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needed to receive the detectors from the state`s distributor. Tenants have all been advised of this <br /> update. when we get word that they are available, the maintenance roan will install them. <br /> • Some of the smoke detectors have been failing at Homeyer Village. They are original to the <br />' building, so about 15 years old. The manufacturer suggests replacement after 10 years, Ifve <br /> decided to replace all detectors now and have ordered thorn€ to be purchased in bulb, at a good <br /> discount. They will be installed in all units sometime in early August. <br /> OLD 13USINE : <br /> As>ners Path l ate: Mrs. Botsford stated that E.A. Fish received the site approval from DH D. E.A Fish <br /> and Mrs. Botsford had a meeting with the Cape Cod Commission that went well we hope to get some <br /> funding through them. The fire department has requested that there be a pathway to the rear of the <br /> building, in addition to the front and sides, so some changes have been made to the placement of the <br /> building and the"buffer zone". E.A Fish and Mrs. Botsford held the abutters meeting this past Monday <br /> night; only 2 residents from the her's Path neighborhood showed up, but it went well. Those in <br /> attendance seemed to really like the design of the place and seemed happy with everything we talked <br /> i <br /> about. E.A Fish and Mrs. Botsford met Tuesday night with the Affordable Housing Committee and they <br /> rt <br /> ended up sending a letter to the Zoning Board of Appeals supporting the project. Last night E.A Fish and <br /> Mrs. Botsford attended the ZPA nearing. Approximately ob tiers showed up with some concerns <br /> (unfortunately they did not come to discuss their concerns with us at the meeting for abutters on Monday <br /> night). Mrs. Botsford felt that the tearing went very well and that all questions were answered to the <br /> satisfaction of the Z13A. An adjustment was made to the placement of the site durnpster to accommodate <br /> the concerns of some of the abutters. A copy of the Comprehensive Permit Application was provided to <br /> all board members. A follow-up meeting with the ZBA is scheduled for 7:00 PM on Wednesday, July 26. <br /> Today E.A Fish and Mrs. Botsford attended the second meeting with the Design Review Committee. The <br /> Design Review Committee has requested that the 06-foot buffer gone be reduced to feet along <br /> Falmouth Road/Route 28 and to 50 feet along the other sides. An exception would also bice to be made <br /> to the area at the entrance to the property, between the two driveways entering the development. In <br /> this area, vire would like to maintain an area of 15 feet contained partially of natural vegetation, <br /> interspersed with professionally landscaped bushes/trees. Although the loo-foot buffer area is not a <br /> deed restriction, it was an informal agreement we had with the selectmen so a letter has been sent to the <br /> Board of Selectmen asking them to approve the change on this. <br /> Board v r • Mrs. Botsford reminded members that a quorum of the housing authority board is <br /> expected to be present for the Selectmen's .meeting on Monday, July 24 at :00 PM in order to vote on a <br /> joint-appointment of E. Stuart Peoples. Mrs. Botsford stated that she will also be in attendance. <br /> NEW ISI ESS: <br /> Qrill Policy Adoption: Mrs.,Botsford reviewed the grafted policy with the board. After a brief discussion a <br /> motion was .Wade by Mr. Homeyer,which was seconded by Mr. Hallpem, to adopt the <br /> Outdoor Grill policy. The motion carried. <br /> Rent Determination Policy Adoption: Mrs. Botsford reviewed the drafted polity which the board and <br /> explained that 760 CMR 6.05 gives the discretion to the housing authority on whether or not to count <br /> income for an unemployable disabled veteran. A copy of that portion of the regulation was provided to <br /> all members and a discussion ensued. It was decided that Mrs. Botsford would re-draft the policy and <br /> this discussion would be tabled for the next .meeting. <br /> BLQ=Ac <br /> Ms Exn ion • Mr's. Botsford reminded the board that the CPA committee did not fund our <br /> request for monies to build two .nodular homes on the property at 570 old Barnstable load/Breezy <br /> Acres. Mrs. Botsford stated that:she has had discussions with DHD about the possibility of a Chapter <br /> 689 development being dome on the site. Mrs. Botsford explained that a Chapter 689 development is a <br /> group-home type of housing which either DMH or DMR administering the home and the residents. The <br /> housing authority would be responsible for maintenance only. There currently is a little funding available <br /> through DHCD for this kind of development. After a brief discussion a motion was made by Mr. <br /> Halpern,which was seconded by Mr. Homeyer,to pursue the possibility of a Chapter 689 <br /> development on the site. The .notion carrier. <br /> Page 2 of <br />