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10/11/2006 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
10/11/2006 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
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ML the mtto <br /> MASKSI NCj ALAT�tC>R_ITY <br /> 7E�,Oaro( Of a0VVtM'L',SSLV-0Ktr& <br /> C'it o b 11" 2000 <br /> Z5 MEE77NG WA, APED FOR THE PURPOSE OF 7RA NSCRIP 770N ONL Y. <br /> The meeting was called to order by the chairperson at 5:38 p.m. A quorum declared with the following <br /> members present: David Harsch, Richard Halpern, Dan Homeyer, Francis Laporte, and E. Stuart Peoples. <br /> Also in attendance: Leila Botsford, Executive Director/Board Secretary, Anne Phelan, Property Manager <br /> for Mashpee Village, Donna French, Resident Services Coordinator for Mashpee Village, and Police chief <br /> Rodney Collins. Everyone introduced himself or herself. Mr. Peoples was welcomed back to the hoard. <br /> There was no public comment. <br /> SECRETARY'S Y' REPORT: <br /> Minutes for the regular meeting held on September 1 , 2086 were presented. A motion was made by <br /> r. Halpern and seconded by lir. accept the minutes as.pri nted, The motion was, <br /> adopted. <br /> TREASURER'S REPORT: <br /> Budget t -Actual and Narrative: Mrs. Botsford provided a treasurer's report including the bank account <br /> report and the Budget to Actual Deport, prepared by the fee-accountant, which represents through the <br /> third month of the fiscal year. She reviewed the budget to actual and provided an explanation for <br /> variances. Mrs. Botsford pointed out that Extraordinary Maintenance, and materials and supplies are over <br /> budget due to the lame amount of unit turnovers. <br /> Acco'hts Pa�ib` Pa bl totaling;$5,898.98 were presented to the,Board.'for.r 'view,,approval and, <br /> signatu.res,.'.TKe warrant was:prese.nt'the chairperson for.his-signature. <br /> Rent Delinquencies: Mrs. Botsford stated that all rents were paid in full and we are at 100% occupancy <br /> at Horneer Village. The Breezy Acres resident moved out. She has made arrangements with Mrs. <br /> Botsford to pay her outstanding rent over the next couple months. All other rents are paid in full.That <br /> unit is vacant and in need of flooring throughout the unit, as well as painting and minor repairs. Mrs. <br /> Botsford stated that she did send a lever to DHCD as voted on by the board at the last meeting and the <br /> response that she got was that they would not fund unit turnovers. Our management representative at <br /> DHCD did say that if we got into a situation where we had a maintenance emergency i.e. another boiler <br /> breaks down), then they would work with us to get approval for emergency funding for that. Mrs. <br /> Botsford expects that the unit-tura over will cost in the range of$4,500- $5,500. A r otion'was made <br /> by Mr. Homeyer and Bonded by Mr. Halpern to approve spending of between $4,,5000 and <br /> $5,500 to renovate the Breezy Acres/705 unit to prepare it for a new tenant, The motion <br /> was adopted. <br /> A notion was made by Nor. Laporte and Bonded by Mr, Halpern to accept the treasurer's <br /> i <br /> report as presented. The .notion was adopted. <br /> The chairperson then tabled the Executive Director`s report until after the next item ori.the'agenda, <br /> .-M sh e- illa a He lth'and Safety concerns: The chairperson explained that at the last meeting the <br /> "`board'dikds'sed their':concerns over.the.recent escalation,in crimes-a .Mashpee Village. -He stated that <br /> the housing authority has a contract with Mashpee Village to provide safe units and the board is <br /> concerned about the safety'of the residents, some of which are subsidized by the Mashpee Housing <br /> Authority, Ms. Phelan stated that they are working closely with Mashpee Police to improve safety but <br /> MRVP Project Based voucher holders cause"90 percent of the problems". Police chief Collins spore <br /> about haw the police department is trying to help with the situation. He stated that several arrests have <br /> already been made and there are continuing investigations going on. Communication between the police <br /> Page 1 of <br />
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