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department and the management at Mashpee Village has improved and a foot patrol was added during <br /> the end of the summer. MIs. Phelan presented pictures of damage done to a unit alleged occupied by an <br /> RvP Project used tenant. Ms. Phelan also presented copies of several police reports allegedly all <br /> related to M VP Project Based tenants. Mfr. Homeyer asked if Mashpee Village ran a c RJ on their <br /> tenants. She said that they rely on the housing authority to do that screening. Mrs; Botsford clarified <br /> that the Mashpee Housing Authority can only verify eligibility and qualify MF VP recipients for assistance <br /> under the tenant selection guidelines set forth by DHCD, which includes a CORJ and verification of <br /> income eligibility only. Mashpee Village is the landlord and therefore has complete control over checking <br /> references, credit reports, and rental history of their potential tenants. They ultimately can choose to <br /> deny a housing authority selected applicant based on their screening criteria. Ms. Phelan claimed that it <br /> has cost over$20,000 for damage in the past year caused by MF VP Project Based residents. Mr. Laporte <br /> asked to review the police reports and thea they were passed around to other members. A discussion <br /> ensued about the crimes that have taken place and the steps that the police and Mashpee Village <br /> management are taking to improve the safety. Mr. Laporte complimented the police department on the <br /> work they've been doing and thanked the chief on thein efforts. Mr. Laporte said that the 90% figure Ms. <br /> Phelan mentioned troubles hire but pointed out that the housing authority can only do what it is <br /> authorized to do more qualify the applicants under state regulations. He encouraged the Mashpee <br /> Village,, as the landlord, to do more extensive screening. Mrs. Botsford stated that if a tenant who is <br /> receiving a state subsidy is evicted for cause they are not eligible for state housing assistance for three <br /> years, but Ms. Phelan has to send that verification to the housing authofity so that they have it on file. <br /> Mr. Harsch asked how many of the MVP Project Based tenants were involved in the recent crime <br /> problems. Ms. Phelan responded that it was only two tenants. The chairperson thanked Ms. Phelan, Ms. <br /> French, and Chief Collins for coming in and they left the meeting. <br /> EXECUTIVE E I Ec'To ' DEPORT. <br /> Mfrs. Botsford remarked that she had mailed her reports to the board for the month of September and it <br /> is attached to these minutes as Attachment A. <br /> Mrs. Botsford provided an additional short written report, which was discussed. The report was as <br /> follows: <br /> The quarterly vacancy report has been submitted to DH . <br /> 0 The quarterly financial reports have been prepared by Torry,boy and submitted to DHCD. <br /> The Mashpee Human Service council of which I arra part of will be conducting a police officer <br /> training on the human service reeds of Mashpee residents. This two-day training is taking plane <br /> November I and 2. <br /> • I've started looking into snow removal services for the corning winter. Mr. Halpern asked if the <br /> town ever got back to res last year. Mrs. Botsford stated that they did not. She has been in <br /> touch with the contractor we used last year and he will be submitting a proposal. <br /> • The annual contract for the M. VP Project Based units at Mashpee Village has not yet been <br /> signed by Mashpee Village It went into effect October 1, 2006). The property manager recently <br /> contacted me and said that her supervisor warted to see the original contract that was signed <br /> and they couldn't find their copy. f had to go through the files in our storage unit to try to locate <br /> it It was done before 1998 when I started here). I was able to find one dated in 1994 and I <br /> sent a copy of that to her. Payments for October are being held pending a signed contract. we <br /> are down to 35 of the 38 units. I'rm waiting to hear from the property manager about filling tine <br /> units. Mr. Homeyer asked about the three units that we are due. Mrs. Botsford reiterated that is <br /> waiting to hear-from Ms. Phelan so that the process can be started. Mr. Harsch pointed out that <br /> it seemed like there were only a couple MrVP Project Based tenants that had given therm trouble. <br /> Mrs. Botsford confirmed that and stated that it seems unfair that Ms. Phelan stated that the <br /> crime problems at Mashpee Village are"9001x"from MF VP Project Based tenants, when in fact <br /> only two MrVP Project Based tenants have been evicted. Mr. Halperin pointed out again that <br /> Mashpee pillage is the landlord and they have the responsibility of tenant screening. Mr. Laporte <br /> and Mr. Homeyer concurred. <br /> • Budget Guidelines have been seat out by the state, but I haven't yet received thea. Mfrs. <br /> Botsford stated that she has heard that there will be a % increase allowed, including to salaries. <br /> She stated that we would meed to do our fiscal year 2807 budget at our next ward meeting. <br /> Tori Joy, Fee Accountant, will be here to help with the discussion/explanation. Other than <br /> Page 2 of <br />