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10/11/2006 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
10/11/2006 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
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having to plan for extraordinary maintenance (due to unit tum-overs) the only major thing we <br /> need to work out and talk about is the administrative salaries. Torn Inas suggested that we may <br /> want to ask DHCD for an exemption to the administrative salaries fine-item since, even though <br /> we lost some Section B-monies this past year, my job responsibilities and duties have remained <br /> the same if not increased). 11e have some reserve monies in the IP account that Torn has <br /> suggested we request to use as well. Since the board will need to vote on the budget <br /> submission at the neat meeting.. we should discuss how you wish to approach it so that Torn can <br /> prepare the budget before our next meeting. Nor. Horneyer asked if there was any way we could <br /> use monies from the Asher's Path project for the Executive Director's salary. Mrs. Botsford stated <br /> that the money received from F.A. Fish shouldn't be touched until the development moves <br /> forward. Ater a brief discussion a notion was made by Mr. peoples,which was seconded <br /> by lir. Halpern, that when preparing the fiscal year 2007 budget the housing <br /> authority ask DHCD exemption to the administrative salaries line-item to <br /> incorporate a 70/b increase even though we lost some Section 8 monies this past <br /> year, and also to be able to use some reserve moniesr m <br /> o the MRVP account The <br /> motion carried. <br /> Vincent (our maintenance supervisor) has igen notice to leave and e a full-tire <br /> g to e fob. The i <br /> position we offer here is for 18 hours per weep, with no benefits other than vacation time. He <br /> was offered a job full-time. Vincent has been an excellent employee—the best maintenance <br /> person we've had since I've been here. It is very hard to find, and hold onto, such good help <br /> with this being only a part-bine position. I've met with Vincent and he is interested in staging if <br /> we can work something out. His new job is 6:30 Aft — 2:30 PM. He would like to come to the <br /> housing authority to work from 3-5 PM or later if possible). The"light"maintenance— fire <br /> simple cleaning and minor things—I can handle to mare up the difference. We can continue to <br /> contract out the major work. The only difficulty we will have is that he cannot carry the <br /> maintenance emergency telephone, which I will have to do and he cannot do snow shoveling. I <br /> will be looking into trying to find someone who can do the shoveling in addition to the plowing <br /> that will need to be dome). Mrs. Botsford stated that even though she Inas the authority to hire <br /> and fires, this situation is a little outside of the normal hiring arrangements, Mrs. Botsford is <br /> seeking board approval for this arrangement. A discussion ensued regarding compensation for <br /> having to carry the emergency on-call phone. firs. Botsford stated that many mousing authorities <br /> pair a stipend to the person who carries it as a war of compensation. It was agreed that she <br /> would look into what other housing authorities pair and report back to the board next month. It <br /> was also mentioned that if Mrs. Botsford is going to be doing maintenance work in addition to <br /> her regular duties, she should be compensated for it. firs. Botsford stated that she would have <br /> to discuss this with the Fee Accountant to see how it would work. After a brief discussion a <br /> motion was made by Mr. Halpern, which was seconded by Mr. Homeyer, to support <br /> Mrs. Botsford's philosophy in the employment arrangement with the maintenance <br /> supervisor. The motion carried. Mr. Halpern stated that since we are such a small housing <br /> authority,F this arrangement might work out just fine. Mrs. Botsford stated that she would see <br /> how things go and hopefully it will all work out. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> Bre Acres E n ion CPA-application: fel rs. Botsford stated that she attended the meeting with the <br /> CPA committee last evening for the two applications we submitted. She said she left feeling really <br /> encouraged. There are still some unanswered questions about the septic versus tying in to the high <br /> school*s system and hopefully it`ll work out. She will keep everyone posted. This round of funding is <br /> scheduled to be done at next Ma is town meeting. Mr. Halpern stated that so far only two applications <br /> for funding have been submitted. A third is expected. <br /> Asher's Path Sea Oaks Restrictive Covenant; Nor. Harsh spoke to the lawyer and told him that we had <br /> some reservations and that we didn't want to do anything until we got funded. He hasn't heard from the <br /> attorney in about three creeks. If he does hear from himl he will review our reservations with him. <br /> W BUSINESS: <br /> ESS: <br /> Adoption gf new Se <br /> &ion B Fair Market rents: Mrs. Botsford distributed and reviewed the new HUD fair <br /> market rents and advised the board that they again had the right to adopt thea at a rate of 110%. After <br /> a brief discussion a motion was made by Mr. Laporte, which was seconded by Mr. Halpern, to <br /> Page 3 of <br />
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