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12/14/2006 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
12/14/2006 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
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The vice-chairperson stated that we would move to new and other business before going into the to i <br /> Path update. <br /> NEW N ESS 4 <br /> Snow _Removal policy: Mrs.. Botsford stated that she continues to review the management plan to update <br /> and implement housing authority policies. A draft of the proposed Snow Removal Policy was sent to the <br /> board for review. After a brief discussion a motion was made by Mr. Laporte,which was <br /> Bonded by Mr, peoples, to adopted the Snow Removal Policy as drafted. The notion <br /> carried. <br /> Privacy Policy; Mrs. Botsford stated that a draft of the proposed Privacy Policy was sent to the board for• <br /> review. Mrs. Botsford stated that the policy reflects existing Mate regulation and law regarding privacy <br /> and confidentiality (760CMR 8 Privacy Act of 1974). After a brief discussion a motion was made by <br /> Mr. Peoples,which was seconded by Mr. Laporte,,to adopted the Privacy Policy as drafted. <br /> The notion carried; <br /> OTHER USI ESS: <br /> CPA (Commun__LtyPreservatign Act u to from li ison: Mr. Halpern stated that the meeting for <br /> December was cancelled, so there wasn't much to report. They will meet next in January. <br /> Another brief conversation was had abort how to address the reverted budget. Mrs. Botsford stated that <br /> the fee accountant could inform the board of their options at the next meeting. She also stated that <br /> there are other" housing authorities that have had the sane difficulties and the boards have chosen to <br /> just live with an unapproved budget. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> Asher's Path_update: E.A. Fish Ass ciates: Mrs. Botsford stated that representatives from E.A. Fish <br /> were present to give an update on the project, which has been generously funded by the Low Income <br /> Mousing Tax Credit program. Mr. Fish stated that all drawings are about 90% complete. There was <br /> discussion about the possibility of changing the siding from"hardy plank"to a good vinyl siding. This is <br /> up for discussion and does not have to be decided today. A sample of the vinyl siding can be provided to <br /> examine. Betsy Collins'spoke a lithe about financing and the process from here on out. Mass. Mousing <br /> Investment Corp will serve two roles—they will be construction lender and will buy the tax credit. The <br /> construction loan will be taken out by lassMousing, which is the state agency that will be the permanent <br /> debt leader and will also be contributing about$800,000 for soft debt. MassHousing needs to come t <br /> see the site and meet with the housing authority, so Betsy will coordinate meeting tires with Lelia. Both <br /> agencies have had applications on file.. in addition to the Cape Cod Commission application for HOME <br /> funds. we need to be sure that the real estate taxes are abated and exempt and should have a written <br /> agreement. The building permit is all set, with the only thing being left to resolve is with the DPW. <br /> Attorney Kevin lirrane spoke about a concern the town's DPW has about the entrance of the <br /> development. He does not see this as a big issue and will address it with thein. The architect reviewed <br /> the design and plans with everyone. Nor. Fish stated that they hope to break ground in February with a <br /> completion date by the end of 2007. It was decided that E.A. Fish would come to the net meeting to <br /> continue further discussions abort the project. <br /> COMMUNICATIONS/CORRESPONDENCE: Bone that haven't already been discussed. <br /> The next regular meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 11, 2007 at 5:30 PSI. A motion was <br /> made by Mr, Laporte and seconded by Mr. Peoples to adjourn, The motion carried. The <br /> meeting was adjourned at 6:45 P.M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Page 2 of 2 <br />
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