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1/11/2007 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
1/11/2007 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
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Rent Qglin uencie . Mfrs. Botsford stated that all rents pard in fall and were are at 100% occupancy at <br /> Breezy Acres. erre unit at Horneyer Village was vacated the first of January. A new tenant has been <br /> selected and is expected to rove in before the end of January. The knit was not in bad condition, but <br /> the living room rug did need to core up and be replaced with tiling, A motion was made by Mr. <br /> Peoples and seconded by Nor. Home er to accept the tre surerors report as presented. The <br /> motion was adopted. <br /> EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR"s REPORT* <br /> Mfrs. Botsford remarked that she had mailed her reports to the board for the month of December and it is <br /> attached to these minutes as Attachment A. <br /> The Chairperson asked abort Mfrs. Botsford's activities relating to SHADO. Mfrs. Botsford stated that she <br /> is the President of SHADO and explained how SHADO was created what activities they do. <br /> Mrs. Botsford provided an additional short written report, which was discussed. The report was as <br /> followers: <br /> I attended the Selectmen's meeting this past Monday night to request their approval to waive the <br /> building fees for the Asher's Path senior housing project over ,000 . They did. A copy of the <br /> letter firs. Botsford sent to the Selectmen was provided to the Board members. <br /> • I've gotten confirmation from the town's Director of Assessing that the Asher's Path project will <br /> be exempt from property taxes. <br /> • I've submitted our annual report to the town. A copy of the report was provided to the Board <br /> members. <br /> 0 I will be going to theWestern Mass. Executive Director's association meeting next Wednesday to <br /> do some training (per their=request). <br /> I've started processing the 1099 forms for 2006. <br /> The Audit was concluded. A letter should be going to David, as chair, indicating that there were <br /> no findings. The only comment made was that we needed more money from the state. <br /> OLDBUSINESS: <br /> Asher's Path update: E.A. Fish &Associates; Mfrs. Botsford stated that representatives from E.A. Fish <br /> were not present, as fir. Fish's attendance was required somewhere else. The only update (other than <br /> the building fee being waived and the tax-exempt statins being confirmed) is that the construction loan- <br /> has been approved and E.A. fish hopes to break ground in February. Mfrs. Botsford and Betsy Collins <br /> have been talking frequently as things progress. There will be a lot of decisions that need to be made <br /> along the way regarding design, cosmetics, and construction. A notion was made by Mr. Halpern <br /> and seconded by Mr. Laporte that the Executive Director be given authority to make all <br /> decisions relating to the construction and design of the Asher"s Path project without <br /> consultation with the board. The motion was adopted. Mrs. Botsford stated that she will keep <br /> the board posted on everything. <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> The chairperson asked how long it took to get the Asher's Path land from the torn. Mrs. Botsford stated <br /> that is was given to us at the May 2000 town meeting. There was a setback due to the title for the <br /> property not being clear. A discussion was had about getting another piece of land. It was decided that <br /> more land would be pursued for family housing. firs. Botsford will contact Torn Fudala to see what was <br /> available-for development. fir. Homeyer stated that he wonders how Habitat for Humanity is able to get <br /> land that does not have title issues and start development without ever having a problem. <br /> Page 2 of <br />
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