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4/12/2007 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
4/12/2007 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
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M'G'K,RteS Of the meaLmo <br /> MAS 1 LkS( CI A�kTP,.[Ty <br /> T>Oarol of as Vc. 1 ,W Mrs <br /> .A of"- ' .J • '3 .r* *' ` + Y � �Y Lr ' i • F # { + 5 <br /> ` •... # r `� F . . i S#...f e i *� t�k �{; t•'ti• +.i�`±r1"+,+c X <br /> 7115 MEE77NG WAS FOR 77-IE PURP05E,OF.7RA1 . ` III NL J. <br /> ,. r ;I A s`Y-.•-, *t•Y'}•# J t,�ti' �,�',.`- .S..i�i T w .i►I'-1 .,,F '#-.:� �.1'R+++r+- <br /> r•re ��.,'�k.C.+ 1 1 04 <br /> The�m, 6 ting" gra called t =girder by,the'vice-c airp rs h'- t #PNS until the chairperson arrived at <br /> approximately 5:45 PM. A quorum eras declared with the following mer bers present: Richard Halpern, <br /> Francis Laporte, E. Stuart Peoples, and Dari Homeyer. David Harsch was excused. Also in attendance: <br /> Leila Botsford, Executive Director/Board Secretary. <br /> There was no public comment. <br /> SECRETARY'S REPORT: <br /> Minutes for the regular tweeting held on February 8, 2007 were presented. A motion was made by Mr, <br /> Laporte and seconded by Mr. Homeyer to accept the ,minutes as printed. The motion was <br /> adopted. <br /> TR.EASU E iS REPORT: <br /> Budget to Actual and Narrative: Mrs. Botsford provided a treasurer's report including the bank account <br /> report and the Budget to Actual Report, prepared by the fee-accountant, which represents through the <br /> ninth month of the fiscal year. She reviewed the budget to actual and provided an a cplanation fol- <br /> variances. <br /> AccoUnts,Pa abies: Payables totaling$8;529.75 were pr nt d't 'tfie Board f review, approval and <br /> signatures. The warrant was presented to the vice-chairperson-for his igntprey h <br /> Fent Delinquencies: Mrs. Botsford stated that all rents are paid in full and we are at 1.0010 occupancy at <br /> both developments. A motion was made by lir. Dote bnd seconded by Mr. Homeyer to <br /> accept the treasurer's report as presented. The motion was adopted, <br /> EXECUTIVE DIRE TORSI REPORT: <br /> Mrs. Botsford remarked that she had mailed her reports to the board for the month of February and <br /> March and they are attached to these minutes as Attachment A and Attachment B. <br /> Mrs. Botsford provided an additional short written report, which was discussed. The report eras as <br /> follows: <br /> • our court date for the30-Day Notice to quit was parch 2 , 2007, we do have a court-ordered <br /> agreement that the tenant and her guests will not smoke within 30 feet of the building, <br /> • 1 attended a Pat Grace seminar on employee issues, and code of ethics and another on Code of <br /> Conduct. I will updating a couple of things in our personnel policy and bringing it to the board for <br /> approval within the next couple months. <br /> • It has been recommended that, in preparation for leasing and managing Asher's Path, I attending <br /> training on the Low Income Housing Tax Credits program. E.A. Fish has budgeted some money <br /> to help cover the cost of it. They are held all over the country and it does not matter which one I <br /> attend, but it should be done by the end of the summer. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> Sea Oaks Condominiums_proposed covenant: A motion was made by Mr. Homeyer to put this item back <br /> on the table for discussion. There was no second. The motion did not carry. This agenda item will <br /> remain tabled. <br /> Paye 'i of'l --- <br />
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