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Asher's Path update: Mrs. Botsford gave the board an update on the Asher's Path construction. The <br /> foundation and slabs have been completed and construction of the first floor has started. Mr. Fish has <br /> suggested a Friday, June 1 ground-breaking ceremony as it would be sort of a"kick-off"off"for the <br /> application process for potential tenants. Local officials are more likely to attend a Friday event.The <br /> board agreed with this concept. Mrs. Botsford will keep the board posted. <br /> CPA new proposals: Mrs. Botsford stated that she has submitted the three new CPA applications for <br /> funding and copies of the proposals were provided to all board members. Mrs. Botsford stated that she <br /> has been asked to attend the CPA committee meeting on May 8 to discuss Phase f, which she will do. <br /> NEW U SI N ESS: <br /> Town land for affordable housing: Mrs. Botsford stated that she has been so bus} with other projects that <br /> she hasn't had time to really investigate which properties may be best for the housing authority to try to <br /> get from the town for future development. It was suggested that the housing authority-fie i Mr. Stuart <br /> Bornstein would still be willing to build a duplex for the housing authority if we had the land to build it on. <br /> Mrs. Botsford offered to contact him and report back to the board. <br /> Executive Director Contract Renewal: The board discussed a renewal contract for Mrs. Botsford's <br /> employment. After a short discussion a motion was made by Mr. Peoples and seconded by Mr. <br /> Homeyer to renew Mrs. Botsford"s contract for a period of fire years,with a % increase <br /> annually on July 1 each year. A clause should be included in the contract allowing for more <br /> of an increase if the budget allows. The motion carried. Mrs. Botsford will send the contract to <br /> the chairperson for signature. <br /> Adoption of Guidelines for Handling wage Match: Mrs. Botsford provided the board with DHCD's Public <br /> Housing Notice 2007-01 and drafted Guidelines for Handling Mage Match Information. After a short <br /> discussion a motion was made by Mr. Laporte and seconded by Mr. Peoples to adopt the <br /> Guidelines for Handling Wage Match Information,The motion carried. Mrs. Botsford will send <br /> DHCD a copy of the board's Grote. <br /> Ado tion of Revised MRVP Income Limits: Mrs. Botsford provided the board with DHCD's M VP Notice � +° <br /> 2007-01 regarding the reprised Income Limits for eligibility and continued occupancy for the M VP. After <br /> a review a motion was made by Mr. Peoples and seconded by Mr. Laporte to adopt the remised <br /> Income Limits for the MRVP as listed in DH D"s MRVP Notice 2007-1.The motion carried. <br /> Mrs. Botsford will send DHCD a copy of the board's vote. <br /> On-line Bili Payment: Mrs. Botsford provided the board with information regarding ori-line bill payment <br /> through our bank,TD Banff North. The board discussed the benefits ofon-line bili payment and the cost <br /> savings we would realize. Mrs. Botsford explained that a detailed warrant would be provided to the board <br /> each month for review of all accounts payables. After discission, a motion was made by Mr. Laporte <br /> and seconded by Mr. Homeyer to start using on-line bill payment for all accounts payables, <br /> including monthly landlord payments.The motion carried. Mrs. Botsford will complete the <br /> necessary paperwork with the bank. <br /> OTHER USI N ESS: <br /> CPA (Community Preservation Act updaLelReport from liaison: Mr. Halpern gave the board a brief <br /> update on the CPA committee. <br /> co +lMUNICATIO S COFtRE PONDEi cE* None that havent already been discussed. <br /> The next regular meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 10, 2007 at S: o PM. A motion was made b <br /> Nor. Laporte and seconded by Nor, Homeyer to adjourn. The motion carried. The meeting was <br /> adjourned at : o P.M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br />