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5/10/2007 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
5/10/2007 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
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ED <br /> • I went to the CPA meet ht to resent Phase I u�' Housing Assistance Program. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> As is Path update: Mrs. Botsford gave the board an update on the Asher's Path construction. The <br /> framing for both flogs is done, rough plumbing started, the roof should be done by the first part of next <br /> week. The groundbreaking ceremony will be at 10:00 AM on Friday, .dune 1, 2007. Invitations will be <br /> mailed. <br /> CPA new pr psals. Mrs. Botsford stated that she has attended the CPA committee meeting on May 8 to <br /> discuss Phase I of the three new CPA applications for the Housing Assistance Program. The funding for <br /> Phase I of the Breezy Acres Expansion Project was passed at town meeting Monday night. Nor. Har ch <br /> asked what the next steps would be to move this project along. Mrs. Botsford stated that she has been <br /> in touch with DHCD about funding assistance and how to proceed. DHCD would like to see Phase I and <br /> II done at the same time, as it is more financially prudent to build two buildings at the same time, rather <br /> than breaking it up. This would really be the only way that they can see the funding work. If Phase II of <br /> k_ <br /> the project its built as housing for people with special needs, then the state does expect to have money <br /> under their 689 program. Right now, the money is over-committed, but if the gond bill is passed this <br /> summer, more money would be available in the fall and they could fund this project. If we get funding <br /> for phase II, then the CPA money would total $450,000 and the stag could at least match that to build <br /> both of the new buildings. Some more predeveloprnent work would need to be done by the architect to <br /> change the design of the second building, which would be an SRO (Single morn occupancy) home. firs. <br /> Botsford stated that she will keep the board posted as things progress. <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> Town land for affordable housing: firs. Botsford stated that she has been in contact with Torn Fudala to <br /> find out what the process is for obtaining more land. He stated that the torn would have to agree to <br /> dispose of it and then they advertise—usually just in the lashpee Enterprise— under ars RFP. Mr. <br /> Botsford stated that she also contacted Stuart Bornstein to see if he would still be willing to build a duplex -'�- <br /> or the housing authority if we had the land to build it on. She has not yet received a response. After a <br /> short discussion, it was decided that the 2 parcels of land at 950 Falmouth load would be attractive and <br /> that vire should pursue this. Mrs. Botsford stated that she would contact Torn Fudala on hove to proceed. <br /> Personnel Policy update: The board discussed the drafted changes to the personnel policy as presented. <br /> The changes included the addition of Section II Code of Professional Conduct Policy. After a short <br /> discussion a notion was made by Mr. Laporte and seconded by Mr. Hallpern to accept and <br /> adopt the updated Personnel Policy as presented. The motion carried. figs. Botsford stated that <br /> she will make sure that the staff is advised of this update. <br /> Bir-laws: Mrs. Botsford stated that, since the method of paying bills-has changed, the board should <br /> consider amending the housing authority by-laws. This item will be placed on the agenda for next <br /> month's meeting. <br /> OTHER BUSINESS: <br /> CPA (Community Preservation Act) update F ey rt from liaison: Mr. Halpern gave the board a brief <br /> update on the CPA committee and stated that firs. Botsford gage very good presentation at the last CPA <br /> committee meeting. <br /> COMMUNICATIONS/CORRESPONDENCE: None that haven't already been discussed. <br /> At this time the chairperson thanks both Mr. Horneyer and Mr. Peoples for their long-standing <br /> commitment to the housing authority and for all of their gears of service on the Board of Commissioners. <br /> The next regular meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 14, 2-007 at :BB PM. A motion was mad <br /> by Mr. Laporte and seconded by Nor. H me er to adjourn. The motion carried. The meeting <br /> was adjourned at 6:08 P.M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Page 2 of <br />
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