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a <br /> mWLktes of the m ivU0 <br /> LOD MAS �LSI NC, AST I-r� <br /> -P:;'.00Y6( Of C,0K&K&fISS�'0KtYS <br /> l . l' , 200 <br /> T7-11S MEED G WAS A UDIO TA PED FOR THE PURPOSE OF T 4 NSCRIPT I NL <br /> The meeting was called to order by the chairperson at 5:35 PM. A quorum was declared with the <br /> following members present: David Harsch, Richard Halpern, Francis Laporte, ]ill Allen, and Charlotte <br /> Carron, Also in attendance: Leila Botsford, Executive Director/Board Secretary. <br /> Thorn was no public comment. x <br /> SECRETARY'S REPORT: <br /> Minutes for the regular meeting held on May 10, 2007 were presented. A motion was made by Mr. <br /> Laporte and seconded by Mr. Halpern to accept the minutes as printed. The motion was <br /> adopted. <br /> TREASURER"S REPORT; <br /> Budget to Actual_andNarrative: Mrs. Botsford provided a treasurer's report including the bank account <br /> report and the Budget to Actual Report, prepared by the fee-accountant, which represents through the <br /> eleventh month of the fiscal gear. the-reviewed the budget to actual and provided a n explanation for <br /> variances. <br /> Accounfs.P 4 bi s:-��I rs.. Botsford.;presented-the warrantsYfor the-,4001 account,- MVP-account;and <br /> Section 8cnt were,p resented-to t#e.baard and signatures: Accb payaibl ive'e: <br /> . , . -for . ; ,f r cti n7 ; and-$17;. 7 .o =for'MRVP: •,.:rr f'} = <br /> ., . {0 <br /> Fent{ li q'uen i : hg's. Botsford stated that all rents are paid in full except for a Breezy Ages resident <br /> who has a small balance due. We are at 100% occupancy at both developments. A motion was made <br /> by Mr. Halpern and seconded by Mr, Laporte to accept the treasurer's report as presented. <br /> The motion was adopted. <br /> EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT: <br /> Mrs. Botsford remarked ed that she had ma-led her reports to the board for the month of May and it is <br /> .attached to hese minutes as Attachment A. <br /> k ; <br /> Mrs. Botsford provided an additional written re port, which was discussed. The report was as follows: <br /> • A No Trespass Order has been seared against a guest of one of the residents at Horneyer village <br /> due to drunk and disorderly conduct on the property, which affected the rights of the other <br /> residents'to peaceful enjoyment. A copy of the order has been posted and delivered to the <br /> " <br /> Mash pee Police-Department.. <br /> ` •' Applications are being taken for sher`s Path during'the week of]un 1B and-the Idttorjr Wil be <br /> field;ori June B. A copy f the flyer/advertisement has been provided to you. <br /> .-.r•�_ S ince.-construction•is_moving.along:six w eks.ahead,of sched uie'.on Asher's Path, the sched ule for <br /> r t riri is d t b rn ed up i s� r � . ?As agreed+t v rithr E: '.":Fi l;f'i r` r r cFthe <br /> _ ��,.I-•i#. �#• ice+. � t`- X . , i w i <br /> *-i �af�er�heitlo,, .-....,--kms- -- t, <br /> - ousing.auth city to.t :o erz the rr ana erTrer t}of they property -year training, <br /> tix' 't.. ., 44 - •• f k <br /> period,'the funding sources require that Mrs. Botsford be fully trained and certified in the Lour <br /> -Ancome Housing Tax Credit program and that she have hands-on experience at the site and with <br /> + - Peabody Properties E.A. Fish's property management company). As you know., hers. Botsford will <br /> be attending the UFrTC training in Austin during the week of My 16. A couple weeks ago, Mrs. <br /> Botsford had a meeting with Peabody Properties and since construction is ahead of schedule, <br /> Page 1 of 1 <br />