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iy <br /> they will need to bring her on sooner than expected. This means that Mrs. Botsford will be on- <br /> staff and training with Peabody Properties (part-time) as the Asher"s Path Property Manager until <br /> the property is turned over to the housing authority in about two years. This, combined with her <br /> time here as part-time Executive Director, will turn her position into a full-time position. Her <br /> salary for property manager will be paid directly from Peabody Properties which is built into the <br /> Asher's Path budget) and the (rousing authority portion of her salary will remain the same until <br /> we take over in two gears. It is expected at that time that the salary for both positions will be <br /> combined to pair for her salary as Executive Director of the housing authority. A motion was <br /> made by Ms. Allen and seconded by Mr. Halpern to accept the arrangement as <br /> described and presented. The motion was adopted. Mrs. Botsford stated that since she <br /> will be full time between Asher's Path and the housing authority, she has given notice at her <br /> other job and will be leaving that position soon. Mrs. Botsford reset with MHIC and Peabody <br /> Properties in Boston yesterday to discuss the process of lease up, reporting, etc. As you know, <br /> we are hoping to start occupancy October 1 and hoping to be fully occupied by April 1, 2008. <br /> • 11e are waiting for the fiscal year 2008 budget guidelines to be issued by DHCD so that we can <br /> start preparing our budget for the corning year. As soon as they are issued, Mrs. Botsford will be <br /> meeting with the Fee Accountant to bring a proposed budget to the board. <br /> • Mrs. Botsford attended a Pat Grace Legal workshop yesterday on Reasonable Accommodation. <br /> • Mrs. Botsford hosted a SHADO board meeting today to discuss plans for the corning year and also <br /> our meeting with Amy Schectman, Director of Public Housing and Renta(Assistance at DHCD, on <br /> June 2 . <br /> The board then acknowledged the award presented to SHADO at the MassNAHl o conference. The <br /> chairperson congratulated Ms. Botsford for the recognition. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> Asher's Path update: Mrs. Botsford stated that her update on the Asher's Path consists of what has <br /> already been discussed. <br /> Town land for affordable housin : Mrs. Botsford stated that she has been in contact with Torn Fudala <br /> about obtaining the two pieces of land the board had expressed interest in. Mrs. Botsford shared his <br /> email response with the board. After a short discussion it was decided that Mrs. Botsford would contact <br /> the selectmen and/or Joyce Mason to inquire about getting the property. Mrs. Botsford stated that she <br /> would start by contacting Ms. Mason. <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> By-Laws update; Mrs. Botsford stated that all members have been provided with a copy of the by-laws <br /> outlining the proposed charges. Most of the changes reflect the new manner in which the housing <br /> authority is paying bills and the responsibilities that have changed for the Treasurer. In addition, the <br /> addition of Public Comment was added to the agenda section. After a short discussion a motion was <br /> made by Mr, Halpern and seconded by Mr. Laporte to accept and adopt the updated by-laws <br /> or the Mashpee Housing Authority. The motion carried. <br /> Update to Homeyer pillage_resident Handbook: Mrs. Botsford stated that the board had been provided <br /> with a copy of the updated Resident Handbook for Horne er pillage residents. The handbook for Breezy <br /> Acres residents will be updated shortly. The updated handbook was discussed briefly and a motion was <br /> made by Mr. Laporte and seconded by Ms. All Ien to adopt the updated Hos a er pillage <br /> resident handbook as presented. The motion carried. Mrs. Botsford stated that she would be sure <br /> that all residents were provided with a copy of the new handbook. <br /> OTHER BUSINESS: <br /> CPA (CommunRy Preservation Act) update/Report from liaison: Mr. Halpern gave the board a brief <br /> update on the CPA committee. He stated that the CPA Committee had voted to fund Phase II of the <br /> Breezy Acres Expansion. The housing authority's other proposals were not approved. Mrs. Botsford <br /> stated that she would re-submit the applications in the next round, <br /> Page 2 of <br />