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run an ad on the town's cable station. Advertisements will continue to run in all local papers and <br /> fliers have been distributed Cape-wide. <br /> • <br /> We've had a couple septic issues both at Breezy Acres and Homeyer Village. At Homeyer Village, <br /> during the regular maintenance pumping they encountered heavy root intrusion on the sub <br /> surface of the tank. Foots need to be removed and the riser reinstalled. The cost of this is going <br /> to be $785.00. I've approved the work to be done. At Breezy Acres, one of the three septic <br /> systems on building A has been overfilled and has had to be pump twice in the past sic <br /> months. A B Canto has recommended an evaluation be done at a cost of$165-00. I've approved <br /> the evaluation to be done and will keep you posted. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> Town land for affordable Dousing: Mrs. Botsford stated that she has been in contact with Joyce Mason <br /> about the land we are interested in. In an email Ms. Mason informed Mrs. Botsford that the two parcels <br /> in question are currently part of an ongoing ratter with the Board of Selectmen. At this time Ms. Mason <br /> does not see the selectmen placing an article on the October Town Meeting. Ms. Mason said she will <br /> discuss this further with the Board, but does not anticipate this going forward at this time. <br /> Mr. Halpern stated that he would like the full copy of the listing of town land available for development of <br /> affordable housing. Ms. Carron offered to get a copy to Ms. Botsford who will distribute it to all board <br /> members. <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> Update to BreeZy Acres Resident Handbook: Mrs. Botsford stated that the board had been provided with <br /> a copy of the updated Resident Handbook for Bretzy�kcres residents. The updated handbook was <br /> discussed briefly and a motion was made by Mr, t. porte and seconded by Mr. Halpern to adopt <br /> the updated Breezy Acres resident handbook as presented. The motion carried. Mrs. Botsford <br /> stated that she would be sure that all residents were provided with a copy of the new handbook. <br /> OTHER BUSINESS: <br /> Mrs. Botsford stated that she had an item to add and asked Mr. Halpern if he wanted to go first. He <br /> stated that he'd wait. Mrs. Botsford stated that her vacation time had accrued._quite a bit,, and she didn't <br /> expect to be able to take any time off any time soon. In the past, the board had allowed her to take <br /> payment in lieu of vacation time. After a brief discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Laporte and <br /> seconded by Ids. Garron to appropriate the necessary funds to allover Mrs. Botsford two weeks <br /> s <br /> pall in lieu of vacation time. The motion carried. His, Carron stated that this should <br /> automatically be an option for Mrs.. Botsford. Mrs. Botsford thanked the board. <br /> CPA(Community Preservation Act) update/Report from liaison: Mr. Halpern gave the board a very brief <br /> update on the CPA committee. He stated that the CPA Committee had made its decision on what will be <br /> on the October town meeting warrant. one will be to fund Phase II of the Breezy Acres Expansion. Mr. <br /> Harsch asked when the housing authority could re-submit its other proposals. Mr. Halpern said he wasnft <br /> sure when the deadline was, but he thinks it is in October. He will let Mrs. Botsford know. <br />' <br /> COMMUNICATIONS/CORRESPONDENCE: Mrs. Botsford stated that the only communication that she <br /> hasn't mentioned is a letter from MasHo she has received stating that they'd appointed her to the <br /> Member Services/Professional Development Committee. Meetings are monthly and she looks forward to 5 <br /> serving. <br /> The next regular meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 13, 2007 at :05 PM. A motion was <br /> made by Mr. Laporte and seconded by Ms. Carron to adjourn. The notion curried. The <br /> meeting was adjourned at : o P.M. <br /> -2 - <br />