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5 <br /> v <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> Breezy Acres Expansion Prole t: Mrs. Botsford advised the board that she will be attending the CPAC <br /> meeting next Tuesday night and will keep them posted. <br /> Durnpster at Br Acres* This item had been tabled from the last meeting. Mrs. Botsford reviewed with <br /> the board the fact the housing authority spends approximately$ 00/month or $2,400/year) for a <br /> dumpster at Breezy Acres. Dump stickers are $70.00 a year. If the housing authority paid for a dump <br /> sticker for each residerit;`vire could sage almost$2,000/year. A discussion ensued and a notion was <br /> made by lis.Allen and seconded by Mr. Laporte that,efeect�ve 3anuary 1, 2009,the <br /> du pster would be removed from Breezy Acres and residents would be required to yet <br /> transfer station sticker,which the housing authority will pay for every year. In addition, for <br /> existing residents, a $25.00 gas card will be given for this year only. The motion carried. <br /> Mrs. Botsford stated that she would get notices and instructions out to the residents as soon as possible. <br /> Town land available for development: This item was tabled to next month, as Ms. Allen and Mr. Halpern <br /> were unable to meet with the Town Planner before tonight's meeting. <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> None <br /> OTHER BUSINESS: <br /> CPA(Community Preservation Act update/Report fr r liaison: Mr. Halpern net present, so this item was <br /> tabled. <br /> i [ U I NS F RESPON E [ E: None that hasn't already been discussed. <br /> Mr. H rsch asked how things were going with Peabody Properties. Mrs. Basford gage a brief update <br /> indicating that things were going pretty well. She stated that they seem to be a lot more"hands off"and <br /> communications are going pretty well. Mrs. Basford reviewed the process for becoming certified by two <br /> state agencies—Mass Housing Investment Corporation iHI and Mass Housing Finance Agency <br /> HF —in order for the housing authority to take over complete management of the property. The <br /> goal date for this is still July 1, but this date may change as it is not"set in stone". Mrs. Botsford stated <br /> she is working ing hard to make sure all of our policies and procedures are getting put into writing, which will <br /> help with the certifications. <br /> The next regular meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 11, 2008 at 5:30 PM at Horneyer Villages. <br /> motion was rade by Mr. Laporte and seconded by Ms. Allen to adjourn. The notion <br /> carried. The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 P.M. <br /> ResXsr�,rrretary <br /> bmitt <br /> Executive lai <br /> ttachment A: <br /> Executive Directoes Report <br /> For the months of October 2008 <br /> Program update: <br />