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Of m eet t L3 <br /> ! MAS Ffl S I I ; A i ,T .[T\( <br /> -F>Opra of a .i. oAY <br /> J 12 vu -14, 200J copy <br /> T7-11S MEET NG WA 5 A UD10 TA PED FOR THE PURPOSE F TPA NSCRP 77"ON ONL Y. <br /> The meeting was called to order by the chairperson at 5:35 Pfd. A quorum was declared with the <br /> following members present: David Harsch, ]ill Aller, Fran Laporte and Richard and Halpern. Also in <br /> attendance: Leila Botsford, Executive Director/Board Secretary and Vincent Gault, Maintenance <br /> Superintendent. <br /> There was no public comment. <br /> SECRETARY'S RY' RE PO T: <br /> Minutes for the regular meeting geld on December 11, 2008 were presented. A motion was made by <br /> Mr. Laporte and seconded by ifs. Allen to accept the minutes as printed. The notion was <br /> adopted. <br /> TREASURER'S REPORT: <br /> Budaet to Actual and Narrative: Mrs. Botsford provided a treasurer's report including the bank account <br /> report and the Budget to Actual Report, prepared by the fee-accountant, which represents through the <br /> 4 <br /> sixth month of the fiscal year. She reviewed the budget to actual and provided an explanation for <br /> variances. Mrs. Botsford stated that she had received word from DHCD that the budget should be <br /> approved by the end of the-week; a1th ugh a few adjustments were made. <br /> 4 <br /> F , 4r , <br /> Accounts payables: Mrs. Botsford presented the w rrants,for the 4001 account, M RVP account, and <br /> Section -account were presented to the board for review and signatures. Accounts payables were: For <br /> December 12, 2008 through .January 14, 2009; $20,712.96 for 4001, $7,371.00 for Section 8, and <br /> $ 0,1 ,00 for MFVP. <br /> Fent Delinquencies: Mrs. Botsford stated we have all rents paid in full at Horneyer Tillage and Asher's <br /> Path. we have the one resident at Breezy Acres who our attorney is handling in court. Court date is <br /> continued pending discovery. A motion was rade by Ms. Allen and seconded by Mr. Laporte t <br /> accept the treasure.r's report as presented. The motion was adopted. <br /> EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT: <br /> T. <br /> Mrs. Botsford remarked that she had mailed her report to the board for the months December and it is <br /> attached to these minutes as Attachment A. <br /> 1s. Botsford provided an additional brief written report, which was discussed. The report was as follows: <br /> It is time to do all 7(Horneyer Village) & 705(Breezy Acres) recertification so I am in the <br /> process of gathering residents' paperwork and starting the recertifications. <br /> The C mmunity Preservation Act Committee seat as a co-mmunication denying ourfunding <br /> -request.. A copy 9f their'communication is in' your file. <br /> All"staff mei~nbers will be attending a Past Grace workshop next week on privacy& Confidentiality, <br /> Code of Conduct, & Ethics. <br /> • I have done all W-2s,and,1099s and they Dave been distributed <br /> •# f I've drafted,the annual report t 'the town, which I provided to you for approval before'I submit <br />