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• 1 have received an email from DHCD that a fever changes have been made to our budget and it <br /> should be in the mail to us by the end of this week. I'll keep you posted. <br /> We received a dividend check for workman's Comp insurance In the amount of$183.00, � <br /> 0 I`ve sent my annual request in to the Commonwealth for permission to dispose of old records. I <br /> am waiting for the response. Upon approval, those records will be shred. <br /> • The truck was in need of some minor repairs due to an animal crawling up into the radiator. It is <br /> now in working order. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> Town land available for development: Mrs. Botsford provided a copy of the lever she sent to the <br /> selectman, but has not heard anything yet. She stated'that she doesn't think they have had a meeting <br /> since receiving the letter, so they probably have not had a chance to act on it. She will keep the board <br /> posted. <br /> Breezy Acres Expansion Project: Mrs. Botsford advised the board that Mass Housing Partnership had <br /> contacted her asking if the housing authority would be interested in having a new employee of MHP help <br /> with writing and issuing the Request t for Proposal. They are looking for a training opportunity for this new <br /> staff person and so there would be no cost to the Dousing authority. hers. Botsford stated that she would <br /> be interested. This new staff person doesn't start work for a couple weeks, so we won't be able to get <br /> staved on it until then, hers. Botsford will keep the board posted on progress. <br /> 4 <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> Clarification on Transfer Station Stickers: Ms. Botsford asked the board to clarify their policy on paying for <br /> the transfer station stickers for Breezy Acres o residents. After a brief discussion, a motion was <br /> made by Mr, Laporte and seconded by Ms. Alien that the housing authority pays for one <br /> transfer station sticker per household per year. Any additional stickers are to be purchased <br /> by the tenant. The motion carried. <br /> OTHER BINES: <br /> CPA (Community Preservation Act update/Report from liaison: Mr. Halpern reported that much of the <br /> funds for CPA aro now being spent on mortgage notes owed clue to land bank debt created before the <br /> CPA was created. <br /> COMMUNICATIONS/CORRESPONDENCE: l one that hasn't already been discussed. <br /> The next regular meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 12, 2009 at :80 PM at Homeyer Village <br /> Community Room.. motion was made by Mr. Laporte and seconded by Mr, Halpern to adjourn. <br /> The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at :00 P.M. <br /> I f u s brn fitted, <br /> i <br /> E <br /> M <br /> Ila otsford, *retary <br /> E utive lair or <br /> Attachment A: <br /> Executive Director's Report <br /> For the months of December 2008 <br /> Program update: <br />