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OLD BUSINESS: <br /> Asher's Path date: Mrs. Botsford reported that the Spectrum audit was done on Wednesday, June <br /> i <br /> at Asher's Path* Spectrum is the over-sight agency in Massachusetts for the LIHTC program. Although <br /> she is waiting for the off=icial report, there were no uncorrected findings <br /> The meeting with Sandra Blackman at MHI (Mass Housing Investment Corp) to discuss the transition <br /> from Peabody Properties to Mashpee Housing Authority will be held next Monday in Boston. Cathy Hult, <br /> Melissa Fish, and Betsy Collins from E.A. Fish/Peabody properties will attend with me and Tera Joy. <br /> There are still some issues with a couple of the residents that have tried to start a resident association. <br /> There have been some complaints from residents about some resident association officers and their <br /> tactics and that they seem to be adversarial. Two more members of the associate have resigned and the <br /> association does seem to be floundering. Mrs. Botsford had a meeting a couple Asher's Path residents <br /> again about the rent increase. Peabody Properties sent don Laurie Mguire, who is their expert in <br /> LIHTC compliance and she verified that the rent increase was implemented correctly. <br /> The housing authority received its annual lease payment from Asher's Path, The annual lease payment <br /> each year will be 1 of the property's net income (the other half goes to pay the Mass Housing PDF <br /> (Priority Development Fund) Loan). This year we received $36,518.00. Mrs. Botsford stated that Rose <br /> Chenard has been with us for over a year and I'd like permission to use some 6f our Asher-s Path <br /> reserves to hire her part-time. If I don't hire her, we may lose her completely. If she doesn't accept the <br /> position, Mrs. Botsford requests permission to advertise for a part-time person in her place. After a brief <br /> discussion, a motion was made by Mr. Laporte and seconded by Mr. Halpern to approve <br /> spending of approximately$5,000 of theAsher's Path savings to hire a part-time,,temporary <br /> assistant to assist with administrative work. The motion was adopted. <br /> IputApryal of contract with Peabody Properties: Mrs. Botsford reported that the MHFA assHousing <br /> management review went well. They did request a written agreement between Peabody Properties and <br /> the housing authority regarding Peabody Properties overseeing/assistance. A drafted agreement was <br /> provided the board an all agreed with it as outlined The term of the contract may be negotiated as <br /> allowed. <br /> IFP -Breezy Ages Expansion P Mrs. Botsford reported that she went to the Selectmen's meeting to <br /> ask therm to amend the deed for Breezy Acres to allow a total of 40 bedrooms on the site. They did <br /> approve this and a copy of their correspondence was provided to the board. Mrs. Botsford reported that <br /> the RFP was advertised and we have sent out 10 packets to potential bidders. The site tour was on <br /> Wednesday. proposals are duo July 6. Depending on many proposals are received, the board may want <br /> to form a sub-committee to review them. <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> Approval for spending Asher"s Path reserves (savings): This 'mean was handled earlier in the meeting. <br /> Write offs; Mrs. Botsford presented the board with a list of outstanding, unollectable debts that the <br /> housing authority has. She recommends writing thorn off, as she has tried without success to get <br /> forwarding addresses on all of there. After a brief discussion, a motion was made by Ms,Allen and <br /> seconded by Mr. Halpern to approve the writing off of uncolle table debt as recommended b <br /> the Executive Director, The motion was adopted, <br /> Copier: Mr-s. Botsford reported to the board that the copier machine, which is 11 years old, has broken <br /> down. It is going to cost quite a bit of money to repair it and then the new service contract IKON is <br /> offering is also quite expensive (about $335 per quarter). The machine is old and doesn't function very <br /> well. Mrs. Botsford has met with l enMark(who has the state contract) to review the options available to <br /> replace the machine with one that can do the same things the last one did. The cost of the new machine <br /> is $6,901.00 rhich is about $ ,Soo less than retail. There is an option to lease it for five gears, but thea <br /> -2 - <br />