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11/19/2009 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
11/19/2009 HOUSING AUTHORITY Minutes
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i <br /> Accounts Payables: Mrs. Botsford presented the warrants for all accounts for board review and <br /> signatures. Accounts payables for October 19, 2009 through November 19, 009: $18,030.05 for 4001, <br /> 4k $7,193.00 for Section 8, and $34.323-00 for MRVP. <br /> Pepe Delinquencies: Mrs. Botsford reported we have all rents paid in full at Homeyer tillage, and Breezy <br /> Ades. We have two peoplc at Ash r"s Path that have not paid again this month. One made a pa dual <br /> payment and the balance should be paid by next week. The other is having difficulties due to someone <br /> hacking into her bank account and withdrawing all money. She is working with some social service <br /> agencies to get her rent caught up by the first of December. We have no vacancies t Harneyer Village <br /> or Asher's Path. The unit at Breezy Acres has been offered to ars applicant and they have until next week <br /> to accept it. A motion was made by Mr. Harsch and seconded by Ms. Alien to accept the <br /> treasurer's report as presented. Th motion was adopted. <br /> EXECUTIVE DI ECT W REPORT: <br /> T: <br /> Mrs. Botsford stated that she had .nailed her report to the board for the month of October and it is- <br /> attached to these minutes as Attache ent A, <br /> Mrs. Botsford reported that Gina went to the Spectrum LIHTC training this week in Pittsburgh. <br /> Today was the yearly MHIc inspection and review at Asher's Path. Sandra Bizickman came, along with <br /> Henry Terrones who will be handling Asher's Path when Sandra semi-retires. Things went very well: <br /> there were no findings with files or administrative practices and no maintenance or inspection issues. we <br /> taped a little about the request to tale over management and Mrs. Botsford informed them that the <br /> board plats on sending a letter very shortly. They requested to seethe draft of the contract we are <br /> proposing between Peabody Properties and I ashpee Housing Authority (copy attached as Attachment <br /> B , which firs. Botsford did provide to them. <br /> The board reviewed the drafted fetter to [CHIC to officially request that we can tate over management by <br /> the end of December and all present members signed it. Mrs. Botsford will check with Mr. LaPorte about <br /> whether he wants to sign or have Mrs. Botsford sign on his behalf. <br /> OLD BUSINESS: <br /> Executive Director.Review:eview: TThe board discussed the evaluation of Mrs. Botsford. A.motion was .Wade <br /> by Mr. Harsch and seconded by Ms. Allen to mark all categories a e celient",, The .notion <br /> * s adopted, The board the.; moved on to set goals foe-Mrs. Botsford as follows: <br /> GOAL #1: Accomplish successful transfer of management from Peabody Properties to Mashpee Housing <br /> Authority. <br /> How will goal be measured? MHIC approval to Mashpee Housing Authority to tale over management. <br /> Target date: January 1, 2010 <br /> GOA : Development of the Breezy Acres Expansion project. <br /> Hoer_will goal be measured? Development completed and residents moved in. <br /> Target date: January 1, 2012 <br /> GOAL ## f Request a piece of property from the Town of Mashpee <br /> How will q0al be measured? Property given to the Mashpee Housing Authority from the town for <br /> development. <br /> Target date: January 1, 2011 <br />
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