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i <br /> i <br /> Mashpee-Wakeby ,fixke 4w March 28., 2000 <br /> Mr. Taylor raises the question of Mashpee-Wakeby Lake <br /> i <br /> Committee gaining Jurisdiction over other Mashpee Mashlakes and <br /> ponds, including S ntuit andJohn' s Ponce. Mr. Frit hi <br /> expresses that, not being considered a "great ponds, " they <br /> are covered by town bylaws . Mr. Cadrin feels this proposal <br /> would hinge on the upcoming meeting with the State . The <br /> Mash - laky Lake Committee could become a Subcommittee <br /> f Waterways and encompass the jurisdiction f other lakes <br /> as a subcommittee of Waterways . If Mah - ]akiy Lake <br /> Stays unique, the committee should stay intact. Town <br /> Selectmen formed the committee as now exists, and the Grote <br /> at town meeting was very specific. John' s Pond does have <br /> ars existing dredging problem. The committee will stay <br /> informed. <br /> Mr. Edward Syrj a la feels that the general co=ittee dis- <br /> cussion <br /> i - <br /> u i n on Mashpee-Wakeby Lake S not encompass the <br /> concerns of Town of Sandwich and their managed recreation <br /> area, and that real impacts have been felt in the Ryder <br /> Conservation area, trustee property, and bog areas . Mr. <br /> Taylor would prefer that there be more coordination with <br /> Town. of Sandwich, Mr. Syrjala suggests Mark Calk wski a <br /> representative from Town of Sandwich to coordinate town <br /> issues of lake management and restoration. <br /> Mr. Cadrin informs there are high-water erosion issues at <br /> Molly Reservation, and also as it affects fresh water <br /> mussels . A monologue by Mr. Edward Syr ala on the origi- <br /> nation of the conservation act, as regards conservation <br /> properties, and property acquisition and management, and <br /> wetland and erosion issues at Ryder conservation area, and <br /> historic context of management . Also, discussion on the <br /> effects on cranberry growers, history of licen3ing growers, <br /> selling of boas, transfers of license, and licensing <br /> structure . Mr. Cadrin nates there are no actio cranberry <br /> growers on the Mashpe side of the lake. <br /> There being no further agenda items, the meeting was <br /> adjourned at 8 : 49 p.m. <br />