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Ma -W eby Lake �2- April 25, 2000 <br /> Mr. Taylor is now standing down from the committee and will <br /> contact Chairman Jim Hanks of waterways Commission on his <br /> availability to stop by and consult with Ma h -wak by <br /> Lake Commission. Mr. Taylor has now returned and informs <br /> that Mr. Jim Hanks will attend. <br /> On the subject of jet ski use on town ponds : A jet ski bars <br /> was previously proposed at town meeting and withdrawn on a <br /> technicality. Jet skis are allowed on town ponds . Th <br /> committee concern is that enforcement of a jet } i bars .ori <br /> other tern ponds will concentrate jet ski usage at Mahee- <br /> Wakek y. Lake. Mr. Taylor suggests a safe operation program. <br /> The committee suggests consulting with harbormaster Perry <br /> Ellis on oat jet ski combination trailers, which should <br /> count as two spaces, and which should be assessed two park- <br /> ing fees . The .committee feels letter control of launching <br /> . fees would create more revenue . Mr. Edward Sy jala states <br /> that Town of Sandwich is in process of creatine regulations <br /> n jet ski use on town ponds . <br /> It is observed that Mashpee-G akek y Lake water level is <br /> getting higher, clue to rainfall, but not exceptionally <br /> high. Mr. Syrjala states the sluiceway and the entrance on <br /> pond side were dug out by machine and cleaned, and a sand- <br /> bar was removed. It is an artificial. system and requires <br /> maintenance. The sand was thought to be coming from public <br /> beach area but actually came from Mashpee Shores . It is <br /> observed that the herring are now running. <br /> No further word from trustees on fresh-water mussel situa- <br /> tion. Mr. Cadrin agrees to check on this . A caution that <br /> another high-water event would cause sane situation as in <br /> 1997 and town should b.e ready for another 1. . I . Mr. Syr- <br /> j ala suggests including cranberry grower Mr. Halunen in the <br /> committee discussion. <br />