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Q <br /> Il ashpee-Wakeby Lake. Bill Taylor will contact the Coast Guard to try to obtain such statistics if they are <br /> available. <br /> It was brought up at the December meeting that more interplay and communication with the Town of <br /> Sandwich is needed in the management of Lake issues, Joyce Mason agreed to work on this. <br /> Bill Taylor brought up the issue of encouraging people to tale classes on boating-safety. He suggested <br /> that a list of available courses be included with the boat registration. This would include courses <br /> sponsored by the Coast Guard Auxiliary, Environmental Police, United States Power Squadron and the <br /> Red Cross. In some states this is a mandatory requirement. In Massachusetts, anyone 16 to 18 gears of <br /> age must pass a safe boating course to be licensed to operate a boat. Colonel hurray agreed to look into <br /> making boating safety class information available to everyone when they register their boat. <br /> The state has not yet put out a report on the snorkeling accident on Mashpee Lake last.duly involving a <br /> PWG operator. <br /> M shpee ' akel y Lake will be cited in the State Boating Law Handbook,just as the Webster Labe hes <br /> been in the past. This handbook is put out by the M.A. Environmental Police. Since l lashpee-Wakeby <br /> Lake is a state-owned lake, the state should be responsible for policing it but does not. Matthew Patric) <br /> plans to stag in touch with the state to keep the Environmental Police involved in issues involving the lake. <br /> Matt Patrick has office hours and is available at M shpee Town Hail every Fdday after 1:30 PM. <br /> NEWSLETTER VOLUME If <br /> Assignments for the input into the second Newsletter were reviewed. Bill Taylor will corer historical <br /> information about the lake. ,loan Ferragamo, former president of the Mashpee Historical Society, may be <br /> a good source of'information for background and history of the lake. Hans Fritschr will review and update <br /> the safety rules and regulations pertaining to activity on the lake. Stere Cadrin will roger water quality on <br /> the lake, getting an update on water samples from the Barnstable County Dept. of Health. Manpower <br /> available to take water samples may be.a problem. This committee can offer to help, and perhaps we can <br /> enlist the aid of local civic groups to collect water samples. Steve will include ars updte on the plume. <br /> Suggestions for guest writers to contribute articles to the Newsletter included: <br /> Conservation Commission <br /> Trustees of the Reservation <br /> Perry Ellis, as herring warden, and/or l ene.Fudal who gives conservation walks around the <br /> herring run <br /> George Bingham, or a representative from the Tribal Counsel <br /> Committee members will try to have a draft for review at the February meeting. <br /> DAM REGULATION BY PERRY ELLIS <br /> Subjectivity is the key issue with regard to what constitutes a"high"and a "love"water level. Standards <br /> need to be established in order to maintain the appropriate level for all concerned parties. Keeping the <br /> sluiceway clean is another issue of concern. <br /> The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 2e, 2002, at 7:30 PIIJ'I. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at : o PII. <br /> Respectfully submitted, F <br /> Ina G. �c l Bohm <br /> Recording Secretary <br />