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'[Akeiid--a' t6p"it3] M4 . md6fq: <br /> Discussion: Perry Ellis,Harbormaster, and the Mass. EPO Officer have accepted invitations to the May <br /> meeting..Suggestions for discussion included whether boating rules were up to date,and how the <br /> harbormaster and EPO roles interface. Bill Taylor suggested offering our mailing list,which includes <br /> people within 300 ft. of the lake,to the EPO Officer. Members were urged to invite other guests. <br /> Conclusions: It is expected that the Harbormaster and MA EPO Officer will attend the May eti . . <br /> Aida topic ] Algae NMI P6nd <br /> Discussion: Barbara was notified by a neighbor that the Mill Pond.appeared green from algae. Barbara <br /> looked at the pond and emailed Rick York on April 5th and asked'bim if it was a toxic algae. He Wrote <br /> back that h6 would look at it when he had time, but no further information had been received by the <br /> meeting. <br /> Conclusions: Don Myers will email Rick York for further information. <br /> [Ap'hda t pl ] C n ads Dowell H611y, Mass; <br /> En' Viroin a tal-Police <br /> Discussion:Barbara called Kim Hurd at Trustees of the Reservations to see who was covering Lowell , <br /> Dolly since Michael La, ossiere left. She said that Chris Kennedy was the Islands Region Regional <br /> Director and Jesse Ferreira,Assistant Superintendent,was the `hands on malf <br /> Mass. EPO: For emergencies, call R. •dio Dispatch t I-800-632-80 . Mashpe is covered the <br /> Coastal Area Manager located in Bouin 508-759-0002,now Sergeant Phil I ero he. Lt. Barns answered <br /> Barbara's email regarding attendance at our May meeting. <br /> Conclusions: New contacts are listed above. <br /> dA <br /> [Agen' to pr Err o�aent <br /> Discussion: Barbara mentioned the bass tourney members of April 2 h an at 6;45 A.M. The u was <br /> y g � <br /> listed as the Northeastern L,unkers. <br /> Conclusions: Barbara will notify merry Alis. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 8.06 P.M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Barbara B. Nichols <br />