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[Agenda-top ir. discussi6n./I.atejet s r <br /> Discussion:Phil Desroch s, A Mass. Environmental Police Officer for 15 years gave a short presentation <br /> on the Dept. He stated that it was a civil Service position in the Office of Energy& Environmental <br /> Affairs/Office of Law Enforcement. Primarily involved W6 ith salt water fisheries emer en ie endangered <br /> species and boating rules,the Dept. also covered boat,ATV, and dirt bike registration and problems. Once. <br /> the Dept had 140 officers, but now the number of officers is "in the high seventies.'There are only 2 <br /> boats and 3 officers covering the Yarmouth to Falmouth area including the Vineyard. Upon questioning <br /> y M. Joseph,P. Desroches admitted he was `essentially absent from the lake,"except for an officer <br /> covering 2 bass tourneys-­. <br /> �--'- - .r of- .-,saw-a t�k,;, <br /> r�put in <br /> ­­ -;,, ih6. <br /> - ­, , -.. -6 - .lake t P rI on 13 . fit,..dead said to contact the�business line--—of the WD for after hour problems. Lt. Read will he available late on Tues. Wed. and Thurs. nights. <br /> -Conclusions; Mass. Environmental Police are very short-staffed. <br /> Contact NWD by the business line for evening.jet shiers and otherro lem . <br /> Agenda to 4] Boat reiiaim .r ` ies gns <br /> Discussion: t. Read mentioned that the Harbormaster's boat would be renamed"flas1h ee Police Marine <br /> Patrol." Signs at the boat launch area had been knocked downy vandals,but Perry reported they had <br /> been replaced before Memorial weekend. The missing"No Wake" sign in the channel was also replaced. <br /> Leisure-Services has been handing out Boat Landing Regulations instead of Boating rules. Barbara. `/yl.ave <br /> Heidi some of the Boating rules to give out at the ramp. Barbara wondered if the 2001 rules were u'p to <br /> date. Penny mentioned that there were 2 returning assistant Harbormasters and 20 applicants. .Police <br /> officer will he assigned 40 hours with the Harbormaster. <br /> Conclusions: Waterways Com. will review the boating rules. Signs have been replaced. <br /> [Agenda t.,opie ] Morn fees <br /> g . <br /> .Discussion: Several in the audience complotined about theuadru le increase morin fees "Why is a <br /> p g . y <br /> Sunfish or kayak the sane as a larger motor boat?"'Perry said money raised would go to dredging Pop. <br /> Bay. Lt. Read ofM shpeo PD said the fees Would help replace worry outboard motors and Nfichael <br /> 'Richardson, our new Selectman liaison said it.was to help provide 'safety, y security and protection"on the <br /> water. Ed Baker suggested a"waterways usefee"as they have in Dennis.'M. Richardson also mentioned <br /> the Sele trnen would revisit the issue. <br /> Conclusions: Increase In mooring fees seems excessive to members and those in the audience. <br /> The meeting was adjou e t 8:35 PAL <br /> Respectfully submitted. <br /> Barbara B. Nichols <br />