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[Agenda�. rc'3]' ewslette <br /> Discussion: Ed Baker suggested having information in the newsletter about the zebra mussels which had <br /> been introduced to lakes in Western NIA in Lee and Lenox. The water quality graphs as suggested by <br /> Barbara were approved for the newsletter. It was decided to include boating rules in the spring edition. <br /> We should again include an item about receiving the newsletter electronically. <br /> Conclusions: The Fall newsletter is slowly corning together. <br /> . <br /> [Agenda:t *c 1 Cleveland 4 la d'--cam Ts <br /> Discussion: On July 10th, Paul Harrington of Sandwich called Barbara asking hat to do about illegal <br /> campers on Clcveland Island. Loud music had continued until 4 am the previous night. Barbara suggested <br /> the police business line and also left a message with Perry Ellis. Seeing no response from police or <br /> harbormaster,, Paul called the police again later in the evening and learned that dispatch had not logged the <br /> complaint. Paul had mentioned to the police that here were,cases of beer and bloody diary mix, 2 teats <br /> and -10 chairs there, and lots of toilet-paper. There are no porta pottys available there. The island is <br /> privately owned. The assistant harbormaster spoke with 2 bass fishermen the next day, and told there to <br /> keep the noise down. The campers stayed 4 days before bad weather discouraged then. A few days later a <br /> young man Vnth a zodiac, camped on the island. Paul submitted a letter for our perusal that he wrote to try <br /> and discourage campers. Members suggested we try to find out who is the owner and refer the issue to the <br /> Board of Health. The excrement left on the island is a health issue as well as a lake pollution concern, <br /> letter to the Board of health would document the issue in the files, and 'rlen Harrington could notify the <br /> owner. <br /> Conclusions: Barbara will find out who owns the island and notify Paul, so be can contact the owner. <br /> •5].. in Ru <br /> .- - . '.A." .... .._ :f.. .. _ . _ .. ... rk.= X45, ._ h', _ . • k ._ _ - .. ''2y. .. ' <br /> Discussion; Bill Taylor was unable to attend the meeting due to health issues, He still was unaware of any <br /> boating rule changes. He gave Barbara the booklet on lass Enviromnental Police boating rules written in <br /> 2005. Although boating rules are listed on the waterways web page, it is not known if they are up to slate, <br /> s members listed are not current. Ken Bates if now chair of the committee. Ramp attendants should be <br /> handing out the boating rules to those launching boa't's, <br /> Conclusions: Barbara will contact Ren Bates to see if he is aware of any change in the boating riles. <br /> Tfie meeting was adjourned at 8-47 P.M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Barbara B. Nichols <br />