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�F <br /> t } [Agenda topic 31 Fall Newsletter <br /> Discussion; Discussion was held about topics for our fall newsletter. Barbara suggested writing articles <br /> with Barnstable County results of water duality beach testing which we have run each year. The water <br /> test at Atta uin.Beach was not acceptable for swimming on July 2,but passed the test when repeated on <br /> July 2rd. Andrew will see if the House passes an article decreasing the amount of phosphorus in fertilizer <br /> and will cover that if it passes. <br /> Conclusions: we need to start working on our Fall Newsletter now. <br /> [Agenda oic ] Mollusk l entca n. <br /> Discussion. All members agree the Asian clam is the species found in the lake the past few years, but we <br /> still need to get a sample to Ji_nI Straub in Boston. Andrew brought a picture.of the weed he collected and <br /> this should be taken to Jing also. Barbara wants to recheck the weed collected last year from linor's <br /> Cove to be sure it matches the one Andrew collected. Debi and Barbara will check a weed near ebi's <br /> waterfront and also the one across the lake. The sample we seat to Boston last year was never <br /> acknowledged and another sample needs to be taken to Jinn Straub. <br /> Conclusions: we hope to get samples to Boston for positive identification and advice to eradicate it. <br /> x: <br /> rbgmac 1 <br /> h <br /> cAgna <br /> Discussion: Hirai Joseph, a guest, stated the racing boats were an"accident waiting to happen". It was <br /> mentioned that at least 2 of the boat owners lived on J'ohn's Pond. Someone mentioned that a kayak had <br /> been overturned by the wake of one of the boats. 1 U'M' stated that the wake from these boats is 2 feet high <br /> and boating laws prevented wash from boatsfrom"rocking other beaters."Peter O'Leary told Barbara <br /> that one of the boaters had been sent off the lake until his exhaust is directed underwater to alleviate the <br /> noise. Mimi had been in contact with Randy Hunt's legislative assistant, Suzanne. The best advice seems <br /> to be to keep the 1ashpee Police and Harbormaster advised about any boating violations when they are <br /> occurring. <br /> Conclusions:Notify the Mashpee Police and Harborx . ster of problems at the time they are occurring. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 P.M. _ <br /> respectfully submitted, <br /> Barbara B. Nichols <br />