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[Agenda topic ] Harbormaster discussion <br /> Discussion: Mr. Mone mentioned that new aids to Navigation signs narking sand bars, and rocks had <br /> been placed on the lakes this summer. Discussion was held on whether covering the bass tournaments by <br /> the harbormaster was the best use of harbormaster hours in patrolling the lake. After discussion,the <br /> committee decided to write a letter notifying.Mr. Mone that we feel coverage would be better spent <br /> patrolling during the evening hours as bass tournament participants had not been a problem the past 2 <br /> years. The biggest problem on the lake this summer has been the loud unmufTld boats, but Mr. Mone <br /> said they were legal as long a "water is coming out the exhaust,' An option night be to request a noise <br /> bylaw change of the Selectmen. It was noted that parking laws are not being enforced uniformly, and this <br /> should be talon up th Recreation Dept. or Selectmen. Parking with trailers 'is being allowed behind the <br /> Town Malt, and this allows many more boats into the lake. Mr. Mone mentioned that the grace period for <br /> moorings was over and illegal moorings would be pulled on the lake next summer. He would appreciate <br /> mention of this in our newsletter. He had no official report on the citations issued this past summer. His <br /> emphasis continues to be on warnings and education. <br /> Conclusions: A good discussion was held regarding lake issues and member's concerns. Parking concerns <br /> need to be addressed with the Town. <br /> [Agenda topic ] Boat washing station <br /> Discussion: The need for a boat washing station at the Mate boat launch area is recognized by the <br /> committee. George's article was discussed, and Barbara mentioned that the Enterprise mentioned that the <br /> boat rarnp repairs at the town boat launch on the lake was under the jurisdiction of the Mate, so they <br /> could probably be involved in building a wash station also. <br /> Conclusions: It is believed that both Town and Mate would meed to be involved in this project. <br /> [Agenda tolic ] <br /> Discussion: <br /> Conclusions: <br /> The meeting was adj umed at 8:30 P.M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Barbara B.Nichols <br />