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Consultant accompanying Mr. Therrien was unable to answer a <br /> question put forth by a Committee Member. with regard to this <br /> subject, 1r. DeFoe noted how complicated, confusing, and <br /> contradictory the regulations are. other Committee Members <br /> agreed the Consultant appeared to have little knowledge of the <br /> subject and questioned Mr. Therrien' s reasoning for allowing- him <br /> to attend the interview. <br /> In support of his decision, Mr. Cole also noted that Darlene <br /> Powers had addressed each and every one of the questions in <br /> writing. Ms. Talmage agreed she had been very thorough in her <br /> presentation. <br /> In response to a question from the Library Trustees, they <br /> were pr va-ded information on the location of each of the flans <br /> under consideration. <br /> .t this point of the Meeting, the Chairman rioted for the <br /> Record, the arrival of Trustee Member, Terry Hyde. <br /> The Chairman thanked all of the Committee members nbers for their <br /> recommendations, as well as to Helene DeFoe, in her capacity as <br /> dpi sor to the process. He thea entertained a motion for <br /> recommendation be made. <br /> MOTION: Edward DeFoe made a Motion to rank the <br /> architectural firms under~ consideration for the lashpee Library <br /> project, based upon their recent interview at 'Down Hall as <br /> follows: First Choice-Powers and Company, Inc, ; Second Choice- . <br /> Stewart Roberts Associates, Inc. ; and Third Choice-Gaffney <br /> Architects, Inc. ; which lotion was duly seconded by Ernest Cole. <br /> voting in favor of the motion rade by Edward DeFoe <br /> David urton Ernest Cole; Edward DeFoe# and Grace Talmage. <br /> There was no one opposed to the vote. <br /> The Chairman declared the vote to be unanimous, accepting <br /> the order of rank as recommended by Members of the Sub-Committee. <br /> dj ournment <br /> There being no further Committee business to address, the <br /> Chairman entertained a motion to adorn the Meeting of the <br /> Building Expan i n Committee. <br /> MOTION: Ernest Cole made a motion to adjourn the Meting <br /> which Motion was seconded by Grace Talmage and so noted <br /> unanimously., <br /> � _ <br />