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� Library Building Committee <br /> 1/15/02 <br /> Page <br /> II Site Committee Report: (Continued) Grace Talmage made the motion. <br /> Motion seconded, All in favor. So moved. The site' committee will <br /> look at the existing site of the library, the sites that Mashpee <br /> Commons offered, and the site across the street. <br /> Ed DeFoe inquired: - "There were two sites a t the end o f Job' s <br /> -Fishing. Road. The other one that was closer to the Senior Hous- <br /> ing, is that officially out of the- running?" . <br /> Discussion. Kevin explained that they could have Tori Fu la la de- <br /> tail that area for us . <br /> Ed DeFoe stated,, "We have- a letter from Powers. Structural Consul-- � <br /> tants the feasibility of reusing this building. I think they have LL <br /> pretty well summed up the deficiencies of working with this build- <br /> ing by saying anything is possible, you can- underpin the founda- <br /> tion, we can reinforce the slab, and do just about anything if <br /> cost is no object. At what point does cost become an object, and <br /> is it really feasible to try to bring this building up to usable <br /> standards other than 'for the sale of saying, well , it' s only a <br /> fifteen year old building. It' s a shame to tear it down. The <br /> ether drawback is, it is pretty much dead-center on the site. So, <br /> trying to add, to it has its limitations . And also-, you want to <br /> add to it in such a way that you don't eat up the whole site , <br /> that you preserve sufficient parking. Those were -pretty much the <br /> drawbacks to it. Your can hire another consultant and see if his <br /> o inion is any different, but I wonder is. it really worth it. Do <br /> e really want to spend $5,000 or $10 , 000 to receive another - let- <br /> ter that says - essentially the same thing " <br /> III o=unications : . Kevin stated that -you are welcome to see the <br /> letters I sunt to Mr. Chace . You 'are welcome to see the letters <br /> I sent to Town. You saw what Mr, Chace seat back to us; you have <br /> a copy of that. With the bui-lding committee t s approval, Kevin is <br /> going to send a letter to the town planner to . identi-fy these situ, <br /> and. to -give us the particulars on these sites . <br /> Iv New Busine-ss: Kevin stated that he thought it was important that <br /> they get from e l ene the nuts and bolts of why we neede.d. a - neer <br /> library, so that we can put together for Mr. Nodolny' who is the <br /> salesman of our group, some kind of publication. <br /> Kevin would also request from Helene- to prioritize her needs . <br /> No one knows her library better than she. So the ideal situation <br /> would be to come up with two lists: the "A" list, and the "B" <br /> list would be the downsize list. In addition t6 coming up with <br /> a viable plan and a good building to build, we also have to sell <br /> it, There is no sense coming up with- a building if- we cannot <br /> sell it to the Town.. Tle ..need a committee to help us -put to- <br /> gether that ublic e rations, and -Kevin would be a reiative if <br /> r. Nadol.ny would chip in aMs the chair of that co . ittee. <br />
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