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TOWN OF M <br /> 1 LIBRARY-BUILDING COMMITTEE <br /> Minutes of the Meeting of February 17,- 2004 <br /> Committee Attendees Also Attending <br /> Sheldon Gilbert John Renz, Mashpee Commons <br /> Maureen Founds Ann MacDonald-Dailey <br /> Sunny Merritt Randall Im i, Architect <br /> Torn O'Neill Stewart Roberts, Architet <br /> Steve Cook Helene LeFe, Library Director <br /> Dave Burton <br /> Fd DeFoe <br /> Acting chairman Sheldon Gilbert called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. <br /> REVIEW of 02103!04 MINUTES <br /> The minutes from the rneeting of 2103104 were corrected,as follows; page 1, under REPORT ON <br /> MEETING WITH JOYCE MASON, paragraph 2, delete the number 3). The committee unanimously <br /> approved the minutes as corrected, <br /> REVISED SITE PLAN —RANDALL I AI REPORT <br /> Randall presented three possible new strategies for consideration by the committee. <br /> Option A(see Attachment A). Turn the building around on the site so that the front of the building <br /> faces onto Job's Fishing Road, leaving the existing library in place. This strategy removes the back <br /> portion of the new building, with the parking area behind the existing library facing Fit. 151. Randall <br /> envisions that this plan would create a direct mute for the children corning from the school's behind the <br /> Fire Station and from the Boys Girls club on Frank Hicks Drive to gobs Fishing Road to the library <br /> entrance. This plan also incorporates an entrance from the parking area into the rear of.the new library. <br /> An additional future building could be built facing steeple street, perpendicular to the existing library, on a <br /> parallel line with the new library. <br /> Option 8 (see Attachment . Again, turn the building around with,the front entrance facing gobs <br /> Fishing Fid. but now moved up closer to Fit. 151. The existing library is now adjacent to the far end of the <br /> new library. An additional future building could be built facing Steeple Street, perpendicular to the <br /> existing library. Parking, again, is behind the-buildings, facing Rt. 151. Randall envisions that this <br /> strategy would accommodate future partnerships with the library program. <br /> Option a (see Attachment c). This strategy places the new library directly facing onto Rt. 151, 75 feet <br /> back from Rt. 151. Parking would be behind the library:facing Steeple street. The front entrance to the <br /> library would face the parking area. This plan eliminates the existing library. <br /> Helene commented that in Strategies I and 2, F ndall's suggestion of incorporating the use of the old <br /> library for the children's program would require bringing the building up to,code. If the building was used <br /> for administrative purposes, or for a meeting area, this might not be required. <br /> Sheldon Gilbert stated that, although he liked Strategy#3 x it appeared that having the parking area facing <br /> onto Steeple Street would require special landscaping planning to make it presentable to Ma hp e <br /> Commons. Randall added that his concern for all three strategies was how to deal appropriately with the <br /> Steeple Street area of the site. <br /> Stewart Roberts stated that Strategy#2 could benefit from partnering with another entity: noting that Buff <br /> Chace is looking for strategic partners such as town offices, an art center or perhaps a museum. <br />