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1W . <br /> Decisions Made,and Why They dere lade. <br /> T Sheldon reviewed a history of the decisions that have been crude by the LBC to date, regarding <br /> the outcome of the existing library. The LBC had made a decision to demolish the library, <br /> because the cost of renovating and integrating it into a new building would be as much as the <br /> construction of a new building. The,original building was not sited for future expansion, and was <br /> not-built efficiently. In terms of long term planning and providing services to the community,the <br /> existing library was a rhistake. The LBC felt that keeping the library building hindered our ability to <br /> design a proper building to meet the future needs, both in terms of the building itself and in terms <br /> of expanding the building to serve a greater population as time went b . One of the trigs the <br /> LBC warts to ensure is that the neer library can be expanded w ithout the problems that this <br /> library has presented Jn' terms of expanding the activities to the community. The committee had <br /> come'a certain distance when Randall Imai proposed that we try to use the existing building. In <br /> Randall lmai's presentation last week, included were two options based on the theme of <br /> containing the library. one of the options presented was to incorporate the existing library into <br /> plans for a new library, limiting the use of the old building to administrative offices, or perhaps a <br /> children's library. To consider this option would be to go back on the decision the LBC had made, <br /> which-was to get rid of the existing library. <br /> The question before the LBC now is the timing of demolition of the library: <br /> a before the construction begins, which would incur not only demo costs but also <br /> relocation costs, but also would give free range on design and placement of the building <br /> on the site. Relocation costs are estimated to b $100,000. <br /> b construction is completed, which would place some Iimitation on where the new <br /> building would be placed and what the design, in order to accommodate <br /> continued operation of the library. costs to secure the construction area from traffic into <br /> the librarY would be incurred: on the plus side, relocation costs are eliminated. <br /> Helena DeFoe reported that she last week with Patience-Jack on, a building consultant for <br /> the lass. Board of Librar Commissioners. Helene asked Patience about use of the library for a <br /> children's program'arid whethe'r'there was,a different code for the weight. Patience w-as not <br /> aware of a different code, but commented that the weight on bhldren' bookshelves is not that <br /> much lighter than that.on shelves holding books for adults. Because of their thinness,,you tend to <br /> have-many more childrens books on the shelves. <br /> Sheldon's conclusion, after-considering all the pros and cons outlined above, was that the LBC <br /> should not build on an old mistal e. 'This was the general feeling of the LB-c early on, but as a <br /> result of Imai's options presented at the last meeting, the idea of working around the existing <br /> building had been resurrected. <br /> Sheldon intredw'ced a lever that he had received from Buff Chace, managing general partner of <br /> I ashpee Commons(SEE ttach nt . The letter indicated that Mashpee Commons has <br /> asked Mr. Imai to step away from the library building project until such time that there is a clear, <br /> consistent, workable and realistic plan in place which provides a mechanism to fund the <br /> construction of the new facility and sets in place a program to sufficiently staff, operate and <br /> maintain the new, enlarged library. Mr. Chace also indicated that he would like to see the LBC, <br /> the Friends and the Trustees of the Library, the Board of Selectmen all actively participate in the <br /> development of the construction plan. <br /> Sheldon reminded the committee that there ha8 been drefim9tic Mo ernerit t wr rd rneetih the <br /> Selectmen's desires. The design has been reduced in size from the or'ig'inal 27,000 sq.ft. to <br /> 17,307" sq.. Joyce Mason has indicated that the Selectmen may verb weII support an increase <br /> from million to$3.5 million. <br /> 2 <br />