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5 t <br /> TOWN OF MASHPEE <br /> LIBRARY BUILDING c <br /> Notes.from the Meeting f March 3 , 2004 <br /> Committee Attendees Also Attending <br /> Sheldon Gilbert John Renz, Mashpee Commons <br /> Jane Dolan Ann MacDonald Dailey, Liaison <br /> Tori O'Neill Mike Bailey, Mashpee Enterprise <br /> Maureen Rounds <br /> Acting chairman Sheldon Gilbert called the session to order at 7. 1 g Bull. As there was no quorum, <br /> the following notes will record the discussion held by the LBC. <br /> .lane Dolan noted that in the minutes from the March 3, 2004 meeting, on page 1 under the <br /> Renewable Energy Project opportunity, the available date for the second grant in 2004 should be- <br /> Sept. 17, 2004 instead of June-17, 2004. <br /> REPORT of SUBCOMMITTEE FOR LOCATING NEW LIBRARY ON SITE (see Attachment A). <br /> Sheldon Gilbert began the discussion with a report of a subcommittee meeting comprised of Helene <br /> eFoe} Ed Defoe, Steve cook and Sheldon Gilbert. The meeting carne about as a result of the <br /> realization that differing opinion's are held as to.whether to retain the existing library building, or to <br /> demolish it and start from scratch. The LBC unanimously approved a motion, during the meeting held <br /> on 3/03/04, to recommend that the old library be demolished. The Board of Selectmen has voiced <br /> the opinion that the old library should be retained. <br /> The subcommittee report lists four new construction options that have been presented to the LBC by <br /> Architects Roberts and Imai, giving criteria for each..The report further discusses renovation options <br /> t.o the existing library, which are based on the assumption that required renovation casts would b <br /> much less than new construction costs, thereby reducing the.overall cost of the building project. Two <br /> renovation options were.presented by the architects that would combine the use of the existing library <br /> and library building.' Both options place the new b.0ilding.on the Jobs Fishing Fid. section of the <br /> site, one at the corner of Steeple Street and Jobs Fishing Fid., and one slightly up Jobs Fishing Rd. <br /> toward Route 151 but.still proximate to steeple Street. <br /> New Construction Option#1 was the one most favored by the LBC as well as Mashpee Commons, <br /> Among other advantages, it offers the best exposure for passive solar, and it maximizes the use of <br /> the Commons and buildings facing on it, to continue theMashpee'Cornrnons LLP. general area plan <br /> for the Commons. <br /> No proposed renovation plans have been developed because-earlier determinations by the LBC <br /> based on estimated costs suggested that renovation was a poor option. suggestions for renovation- <br /> plans had included abandoning the-use of the existing builftg as a library, and Inst a ,use It for <br /> administrative offices, or perhaps turn it into a children's library. <br /> New wr c: nstruction costs for the reprised plan of a 1 # ' sq.ft library, assuming a cost of$185 per sq. <br /> ft., would be$3,944,000. We have had an indication, from an earlier discussion with Joyce Mason, <br /> that the Board of Selectmen was very appreciative of the LBC efforts to reduce the size and cost of a <br /> nevw -library,'and might consider approving$3,500,000 for anew library. The difference between <br /> $8;944,000 and $3,500,000 is$450,000, which would be the goal of the.fundraising effort: There is a <br /> $21 ,og contingency fund built into the new construction cost figure. <br />