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i <br /> I <br /> TOWN OF MASHPEE <br /> LIBRARY BUILDING COMMITTEE <br /> Minutes the Meeting Wednesday,nesday, January 5, 2005 <br /> Committee Attendees: Also Attending: <br /> Sheldon Gilbert John Renz, Mashpee Commons <br /> Ed DeFoe Helene DeFoe, Library Director <br /> Steve Cook J. Stewart Roberts, Architect <br /> Dere Burton Nancy Soderberg, Friends of the Library <br /> Jere Dolan <br /> Diana Lannon Members Absent: <br /> Tern O'Neill Bonnie Barrett <br /> Chairman Sheldon Gilbert called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM. <br /> REVIEW of MINUTES. The minutes from the meeting held on 12/14/04 were amended a <br /> follows. Page 2, under stere CooklJane Dolan, the second sentence should read "Stewart <br /> Roberts stated that it will add about 10°o-t ...." . The committee unanimously approved as <br /> corrected the 12114104 minutes. <br /> COMMITTEE REPORTS. <br /> Fundraising. Dare Burton gage an update on activities since the last meeting. Dave and Ted <br /> iadolny plan to sit with the local bank managers nit week to approach thea for a donation in <br /> the new fiscal year. Dave has also made arrangements ents to meet with individuals at Stop& Shop, <br /> and asked that Sheldon Gilbert accompany him to this meeting. Small donations resulting from <br /> the Friends' mailing in'04 continue to come in. The total amount realized frorn the trailing now is <br /> close t $10,000. Another fundraising idea, successfully done in Sandwich several years ago, is <br /> to hold a theater production, perhaps a comedy, for$25 per ticket. Dave approached Monsignor <br /> Tosti, who has agreed to make Christ the ling Church available for such an event, during several <br /> weekends in the corning summer season. Melinda Gallant has a theater troupe that may b <br /> available for such a program. For purposes of completing required information on the grant <br /> application, Sheldon Gilbert will mead to get the dollar amounts being deposited into the Friend' <br /> three bank accounts. <br /> Torn O'Neill reported that a" with Your Help" construction sign would be going up very soon with - <br /> a design of the new library on display. Three small fundraisers are being planned in New <br /> Seabury homes. Torn also would like to plan for three more concerts at the Library, in March and <br /> April. Torn stated that meetings with potential large donors would need a rendering of the new <br /> library building, as well as interior designs of the Children's area, the sleeting Room and the <br /> Reading Boon, all of which are potential naming rooms. <br /> Grant Application. Helene DeFoe reported that she and Sheldon Gilbert have together <br /> completed about 0%of the grant application. The bulk of the difficult work is done; with a lame <br /> chunk left for Stewart Roberts erts to complete. <br /> ST EiA T ROBERTS REPORT. <br /> ` <br /> Stewart Roberts brought with hire reprised plans of both the exterior and interior of the building, <br /> taking into account the comments that carne out of the previous meeting. on the exterior, he has <br /> been looking at options in massing. <br /> Interior design— fire floor. on the first floor, the meeting room has been roved forward a bit. � <br /> The stair is in a new location, to the back of the room. The Program Room and children's room <br />