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Stewart Roberts stated that between now and the next meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. <br /> I I tht he will revise Option 3, and will adjust the suggestions made for internal changes, as well. <br /> Stewart distributed copies of options 1 and 3 designs, as well as plans for.the first and second� <br /> floor interiors. He also plans to have a detailed cost estimate ready for the meeting on the '1 . <br /> Torn O'Neill stated that the School Committee was meeting this week to rule on his request for <br /> using available space for the temporary location of the new library. He informed the Committee <br /> that approximately 41000 s .ft. of space would be needed. He also asked the.s pool committee <br /> for assistance from students at the time of the relocation move. Jane Dolan agreed to investigate <br /> the cost involved to rent a 4,000 sq.ft. trailer for relocation of the library during construction_ <br /> The future LBC meeting dates are as follows: <br /> Tuesday, Jars_ II tri# at 7 PM in the Library <br /> Tuesday,Jan. 18 th, at 7 PM in the Library <br /> Wednesday, Jars. 26th at 7 PIVD in the Library <br /> As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9 10 PM. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Ina G. Schloiretary <br /> Recording S <br />