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estimated budget to ensure that the LBC would be not left short, should the project casts go up. Once the <br /> estimated budget is submitted with the grant application, it is not possible to o back to request additional <br /> grant funds. Sheldon further stated that he had already alerted Joyce Mason by email of the higher than <br /> expected budget estimate. <br /> � <br /> Mr. p <br /> Roberts stated that the report prepared by the independent professional estimator included four <br /> spreadsheets: <br /> I construction costs totaling $5,224,494, or $238 per sq. ft. This figure includes demolition of the old <br /> � <br /> library. <br /> project costs totaling$2,247,506. This figure includes furnishings, project expenses, professional <br /> fees and the cost to hire a project manager, a new state requirement. The project manager is <br /> needed from the design phase through completion of construction. <br /> 3 construction cost summary <br /> project cost summary <br /> The third and fourth summary sheets are grant requirements. <br /> The bottom line: 7}472,000—total project cost . minus the Grant of$2,498,044 leaves a balance of <br /> $47974)868. If $3,500,000 from the Town is subtracted, this results in a fundraising effort requirement o <br /> $1)4741868. <br /> The due <br /> stion was raised as to what the additional cost would be to include an estimate for a geothermal <br /> system. Mr. Roberts estimated that it would result in an additional $225, Doo to $250,000 to the total <br /> gated g <br /> budget. He figured that the project cost would increase to$7,732,787, or$248 per s . ft. After <br /> subtracting the grant money, the balance remaining would be$5,2321268. i <br /> t the committee agree to include an additional $250,000 to the <br /> Bonne Barrett introducedmotion that g <br /> ro osed estimated budget for the purpose of including a geothermal system in the n fibra r <br /> '. Steve Coo <br /> proposed <br /> seconded the motion. Discussion by the committee followed. <br /> Those in <br /> favor of includingthe geothermal costs argued that if it were left out, it would be impossible to go <br /> back and ask <br /> for additional funds after the grant had been approved. Where will be cuts to the budget before <br /> final approval in any case and it would be likely that other items could be scaled down to make up for the <br /> added geothermal cost. The geothermal equipment could always be cut back, but could never be added <br /> after the grant application was submitted. <br /> 1 250 000 for geothermal equipment to the proposed budget felt that the total <br /> Those opposed to adding a <br /> project cost figure of$7,732,787 was dangerously close to$8,000,000, and would be received negatively by <br /> the Selectmen. <br /> Torn O'Neill cautioned that we do not want to lose the favor of Town Hall. Sheldon Gilbert <br /> added that the higher total cost figure also would place an additional burden on the fundraising effort. <br /> had concerns about the potential for additional maintenance costs to service geothermal <br /> Sheldon also <br /> equipment. <br /> Following <br /> discussiona a committee vote was taken. of the seven committee members present, there were <br /> fine Motes I <br /> favor of the ,notion, one vote against the,motion, and one abstention. The motion passed. <br /> Gilbert will contact Joyce Mason to arrange a meeting to discuss the projected project costs. <br /> Sheldon � y , <br /> SAFEc ETE ESTIMATE - Michael Grotzke. Michael currently out of the country. Upon his return � <br /> ontact him to re s with the use of Safecrete material in request an estimate of the potential saving <br /> Sheldon will �the construction of the new library. <br />
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