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i <br /> requirement for a project manager for any state building project over$1.5 MW as well as the <br /> duties and responsibilities attached to that position. Sheldon plans to meet with Joyce to go over <br /> the material with her and will have a solicitation prepared so that when the time comes, the RFP <br /> can be put out. <br /> Sheldon estimates$101000 as a cast for the Project Manager for the period during which plans <br /> and specifications will be prepared. The total coat of the contract will also include all of the <br /> activities related to oversight of construction. selection of the Project Manager will be based on <br /> procurement procedures established by the State and implemented by the Towyn. <br /> Planning and construction Comm t e. Sheldon Gilbert reported that Stere Cook was now a <br /> member of the new town Planning and construction Committee, established under the new tern <br /> Charter. Other members include Ken Marsters, farmer Selectman aid chairman of the <br /> committee; Janice Mills, former school committee member and acture in many other Towyn affairs; <br /> and Irving Goldberg who was the chairman of the Mashpee senior center Building Committee. <br /> Ken ll arsters has stated that the Library Building Committee is doing a great job and he wants <br /> the LBC to continue their work—he does not want the new construction cornmi t e to tape over <br /> building a new library. Sheldon stated that the LBC will be working in conjunction with the <br /> Planning Committee as the library construction gets underway. <br /> NEW BUSINESS. <br /> Helene DeFoe reported that some months ago the ADA Committee had asked her to cone <br /> before therm to present the schematics and our plans.for the new library. Patience Jackson has <br /> agreed to meet with Helene in the fall to discuss the reviewers'comments on our application. <br /> Helene welcomed any interested committee members to sit in on the meeting with Patience. <br /> The next meeting of the Library Building Committee was scheduled f r Tuesday, September 27, <br /> 2005, at 70.00 PM at the Library. As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at <br /> 8:05 MVI. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Ina G. Sch bohrn <br /> Recording(Secretary <br /> 3 <br />