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Board of Appeals Minutes - May 27, 199$ <br /> 3, <br /> He said the lot was created before the zoning by-law and cannot conform to current frontage by- <br /> law and will need a 300 foot variance, He said the sideline setback is now 20' and he is seeking a <br /> 5' variance since engineering studies required building to be closer to other building. He said they <br /> need variance relief of 40 feet for paving and parking. <br /> Mr. Labute, an abutter, questioned fencing of the lot. <br /> Mr. Nelson moved to grant the Variance for 5 feet on the westerly side of the building, a 300 foot <br /> variance on the frontage and a variance under 174-45.1 of 40 feet for parking and paving in the <br /> buffer zone. <br /> CgPe Southport Associates LLC. - Requests Modifications to the Special Permit issued on April <br /> 10, 1974, and modified through November 22, 1989 by replacing conditions #7 and #12 and <br /> deleting condition #25 concerning completion dates for the water system and sewer system plant, <br /> amenity center, tennis courts, etc. <br /> Members sitting; E. Govoni, C. Hawver, R. Nelson <br /> Mr. Regan stepped down from the Board for this hearing. <br /> Attorney Kevin Kirrane reviewed the many modifications to the Special Permit for Southport and <br /> stated that they seek modifications to the 1985 permit conditions. He informed the Board that <br /> they had provided a status report on the project and needed some relief on completion dates. He <br /> requested that condition #7 be deleted and replaced as follows; swimming pools and amenity <br /> center shall be substantially completed by March 30, 1999, the tennis courts shall be substantially <br /> completed by the issuance of the 175 ' certificate of occupancy and the golf course to be <br /> substantially completed by the issuance of the 2001x'certificate of occupancy. He said the sewage <br /> treatment must be completed before the 67"'occupancy. <br /> He reviewed condition#12 which had resulted in litigation and a decision that 13 acres would be <br /> conveyed to the Town of Mashpee for permanent open space and asked that condition #25 be <br /> eliminated since the Water District would be supplying water. Mr. Kirrane said they would add <br /> the Board's Decision to their agreements so that prospective buyers would be aware of the <br /> change in completion dates. <br /> j Mr. Bonvie of Southport reviewed the status of the project. Mr. Nelson questioned if the 13 acre <br /> j parcel could be used as a well site and Mr. Hauck stated he had checked with the Water District <br /> !' and they had no interest, <br /> i <br /> Ms. Hawver moved to grant the Modification to the Special Permit. Mr. Nelson seconded. AlI <br /> agreed. <br /> l <br /> l <br />