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The Friends of the Mashpee Library <br /> Fundraising Report <br /> 1/16/06 <br /> 1. Cape Cod Five-The Foundation met in December `05—after meeting with David <br /> Willard from the Bank and others the bank expressed interest in an opportunity in the <br /> area of technology. We submitted a request for$40,000 to name the technology area/ <br /> computer stations. The Foundation voted for$1 Ok now and invited us to come back for <br /> another request for up to $15k more.I am now meeting with Elliot Carr and Dave <br /> Willard after the week of the January to discuss. <br /> 2. TD Banlmorth-Presentation made/no funding available until `06/The TDBanknorth <br /> Foundation has awarded the library $10,000- $5 this year, and$5 next year. <br /> 3. Rockland Trust-Preliminary presentation made to Dee Petrella regional VP next step is <br /> to meet with the regional President Drew Quigley. On 12/15 David and I presented to <br /> Alan Stevens the manager of Mashpee as was requested by Dee Petrella,he is very <br /> interested in getting involved and said he would let us know about the extent of the <br /> involvement. Follow-up with manager. <br /> 4. Willowbend Children's Charities-Direct appeal made through Tom O'Neil to Phyllis <br /> Fireman,no response to date <br /> 5. Southport- Sandi Abrams has contacted Les Trinin CFO with packet/ Southport PR <br /> firm Rich Carlson was contacted by MSG and presentation packet mailed. <br /> 6. Talanian-made contact through Don Magathlin presentation was made 1/13 by MSG, <br /> DB and TN. He received packet and was presenting to Mr. T-more information <br /> available on one to one basis. <br /> 7. Shaws Supermarkets- John McQueeny regional VP presentation for naming <br /> opportunities through vendor donation—MSG to contact Blaze Stapleton <br /> 8. Letter and packet sent to Faith Weiner at Stop and Shop re: significant donation <br /> opportunity and request for presentation-MSG—Follow-up in late January <br /> 9. Roche Bros-Linda Steele is contacting the Roche sons' executive assistant for <br /> presentation today. <br />