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Tom asked when PAL's work will be complete and if there will be materials for the Study <br /> Committee to use? <br /> The goal is to complete the work by the beginning of September. A copy of their work will be <br /> provided to the Historical Commission and one set on file in MHC's Boston office. <br /> Mary Kate Harrington explained PAL is a private, non profit firm which does both archeological <br /> and architectural survey work, located in Pawtucket,RI. They have worked with Sandwich and <br /> working now with Bourne and believe there will be a lot of cross over with Mashpee between <br /> land transactions and families. <br /> Today was their initial meeting with Mashpee and drove around town, looked at some properties <br /> and looked at the archives. <br /> Tom asked how MHC gets involved with a project on a regulatory basis? <br /> Jessica is not involved with regulatory review but a variety of things would require MHC review <br /> to see if there will be any impact on historic resources. If the information is not on file, they <br /> can't comment on it. <br /> Tom asked about their process for commenting on archeological sites? <br /> Jessica said they have maps of documented sites and they use a predictive model for <br /> "likelihood" of other sites. <br /> MHC funds archeological surveys to look at the entire town and provide overlays for planing <br /> purposes. However,that is not part of this project. <br /> Tom asked if they look at historic landscapes? <br /> Jessica said they do, they are usually public spaces, parks and burial grounds. They will be some <br /> landscape aspects included in PAL's work. <br /> DEM cemetery preservation initiative will survey burial grounds. This year they are doing initial <br /> planning work i some communities. They are working on two sites in Mashpee, William Jones <br /> (/y— hex burial grounds. <br /> Russell would fike more information on that work. <br /> Jessica will send Tom information on their survey and grants program which funds archeological <br /> work. It is a matching funds program 60140. Pre-application is due in December, full application <br /> due in March with awards made in April, contingent on town meeting authorization of funding. <br /> Tom said PAL did survey on two properties on the Santuit River, do they have some records of <br /> other work they did in town so he can put together an inventory of work already done in <br /> Mashpee. <br /> Mary Kate will talk with the archeologists in their firm to see what they have. <br /> Keith Johnson addressed the Committee. He has been a resident of Mashpee for 4 years and a <br /> part time resident for 25 years. He has been reading about the historic study committee meetings <br /> and has some ideas to share. He grew up in Northboro,which has an historic district. They put <br /> together a calendar with old and new photos of sites. He showed it to the Committee. Their <br /> historic sites have a sign with a brief description. <br /> Tom asked about the possibility of one designation(of historic district)with multiple locations- <br /> a non-contiguous district. <br /> Jessica does not know if that can be done under Chapter 40C, she will look into it. It may be <br /> 2 <br />