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Rosemary said they also have a lot of the Smithsonian collection at the archives, 3 albums of <br /> photos. Ernestine Gray has bene working with the Smithsonian. <br /> Tom asked if they will do interviews with people in town has part of this work? <br /> Mary Kate said they will try to find local historians and unofficial historian for a neighborhood <br /> or street. They will try to confirm their work with local people. <br /> Tom said there are three great historians on this Committee: prank,Russell and Earl. <br /> Tom said he envisions our historic district telling a story for a time period, he was thinking the <br /> 1930s before most people started moving in and there are still people around to tell that story. <br /> Jessica said for the National Register you have to have a period of significance,you could do up <br /> to 1930s in Mashpee and catch everything before hand. <br /> Mary Kate said their survey form tries to cover history of a building as far as it can go and talks <br /> about changes to a property. <br /> Tom asked how they choose a property? <br /> Jessica said they have started by driving around every road they can,talk to everyone they can. <br /> They have used the work done for the local comprehensive plan which looked at assessors <br /> records. They will also look at research the Historic Commission has put together. <br /> Mary Kate said Bourne is developing a native American trail and Mashpee should see how they <br /> compare. <br /> Russell thanked everyone for coming and thinks there should be more joint meetings with the <br /> Historic Commission. <br /> ** Joe made a motion to adjourn. Frank seconded the motion. All members were in <br /> favor 3-0** <br /> NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING: THURSDAY, JULY P AT 4:30 TOWN HALL <br /> Minutes submitted by Arden R. Cadrin <br /> 4 <br />