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MASHPEE HISTORIC DISTRICT STUDY COMMITTEE <br /> MINUTES,11 FEBRUARY,1999 <br /> Present: Curtis Frye,Bari Mills,Russell Peters,Edward Callahan,Chance Reichel,Jack Magee,Frank <br /> Hicks, Sarah Korjeff,Diane Wilson, Jim Gould and Tom Fudalla <br /> Mr. Frye called the meeting to order. He stated that Jack Magee was appointed as an alternate to the <br /> Committee. Mr. Fudalla had some news about the architect. He said that the Boston Society of Architects <br /> sent us a list of architects. Two have already rejected. We have called Joe Pollito, who was on the High <br /> School Building Committee,and he has agreed to do this. Mr.Fudalla then brought up the fact that Mr. <br /> Peters was still listed as an alternate and that that would need to be straightened out. <br /> Mr. Fudalla brought in a map of Mashpee that showed all the land parcels in town as well as the older <br /> houses and sites that have historic significance. Mr.Fudalla shaded the areas that the Committee thought <br /> were important. <br /> Mr. Peters stated that he would like the Committee to take a look at North Mashpee and try to concentrate <br /> on areas that were really important. For example,the center of town that he remembers growing up(the <br /> Trading Post, the Town Hall,the Water Trough,the Horse Chestnut Tree). Mr.Fudalla then suggested that <br /> the Committee would need to figure out the boundaries of this area for a historic district. Mr. Peters <br /> brought up the old Town Hall. He was interested in knowing if we could reconstruct it. Mr. Fudalla said <br /> the Committee should look into funding for reconstructing it. Mr.Peters and Mr.Fudalla mentioned the <br /> possibility of some private organizations that would possibly be interested in this. Mr.Mills stated he <br /> spoke with Rosemary Burns of the Historical Society. She had some information from the old Town Hall <br /> that she would be happy to share with the Committee. <br /> Mr. Peters stated that the center of town moved from 130 and Great Neck Road to the rotary circle. Most <br /> of the significant sites that were in that section are gone or have been altered. He wanted to know if we <br /> were looking at reconstructing the historical part of town. Mr.Fudalla answered,from the legal point of <br /> view, it would be to keep anything new being built to be compatible visually with what use to be there. <br /> Ms.Korjeff stated that because Mashpee does not have a"typical historic district"with a really dense <br /> cluster of dense buildings,the Committee will need to be a little creative in designing a historic district and <br /> maybe going beyond the district itself in protecting what it thinks is important. That includes suggesting <br /> open space acquisition and changing zoning to affect archeological areas and other undeveloped areas of <br /> significance. Mr. Fudalla reminded everyone the main function of the Committee is to create district <br /> boundaries but beyond that he didn't believe there were any constraints. <br /> Mr. Peters was interested in the possibility of using the eight acres to use as a site for an extension to the <br /> museum that would contain a recreation of a Wampanoag village. It would be used as a revenue producing <br /> part of the museum. Mr. Fudalla thought it absolutely should be considered. Mr. Peters stated that how <br /> this started was a couple of years ago the Department of Environmental Management was trying to <br /> bootstrap some activity around Plymouth Rock, to renovate that whole area. The planners mentioned the <br /> Wampanoags but they didn't say too much about them. He stated they got into this discussion about <br /> creating the mecca from the Pilgrims to expand it to the Wampanoags and their history. Mr.Peters'idea <br /> was to expand it even further down to Mashpee so that when people visited Plymouth,they would also <br /> have the opportunity to visit Mashpee and if there were a village down here,then we could attract a Lot of <br /> people. We could have the opportunity to discuss the history of the Wampanoags which has always been <br /> under the cover. The Pilgrims liked the idea. They were talking about raising$20—$30 million dollars <br /> and some of that was going to be dedicated to this idea of a village in the Mashpee Corridor. It has died <br /> down a little but it is still being discussed and Mr. Peters believes we should be a part of it. Mr.Reichel <br /> brought up the point that if we just have this one area designated and McDonald's wants to build something <br /> next door,he doesn't think we necessarily want to have a fast food place right next door to what we created <br /> to share what was the history. So we need to look at that. Mr. Fudalla said that was a good reason to <br /> include the entire commercially zoned area. <br /> l <br />
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