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Mr. Fudalla stated we might have a historic district focused on the more commercial than the traditional <br /> down the town center. Maybe we could have a separate district along Main Street that would be more <br /> residential. It might have a little different rules. Mr.Mills would Iike to include Cotuit Road and 130. Mr. <br /> Fudalla suggested that when we get to the end of the commercial,area that maybe we could have a different <br /> district that picks up Main Street. Mr.Reichel wanted to know if Mr. Fudalla was going to include the <br /> bogs in the first district. Mr.Fudalla stated he was going to include the bogs somewhere. Ms.Korjeff <br /> noted that we should include the resources that made that area important,whether it's the ponds,the bogs, <br /> the rivers,etc. <br /> Mr. Magee brought up the possibility of including Meeting House Road. Mr. Peters mentioned the Old <br /> Indian Meeting House can stand on its own as an attraction. Its away from everything but yet it is close to <br /> 28, Its at the end of Meeting House Road. He also mentioned the cemetery and burial grounds are also <br /> important. Mr.Fudalla brought up Noisy Hole because there is a big chunk of land that is not developed. <br /> Mr. Magee was concerned with commercial development around that area. <br /> Mr.Magee asked Ms. Korjeff if there were other protections for archeological sites. Ms. Kor cff said there <br /> definitely were some things to consider. One of the most obvious is to establish zoning. She stated that a <br /> possibility to establish an archeological or cultural site district that doesn't have to be contiguous the way <br /> generally a historic district is,but you could identify how ever many sites around town that have <br /> significance like that where you are trying to avoid ground disturbance and put them under a special <br /> district. <br /> Diane Wilson had a question. She was wondering if the Committee would consider designating <br /> archeological historic Iandscapes as opposed to historic districts. It seems that more of the important lands <br /> that the Committee has been talking about are just landscapes as opposed to buildings. If you designate a <br /> landscape, it might be more beneficial in terms of preservation. Mr.Fudalla questioned the kind of level of <br /> protection. Ms. Wilson stated it is on the National and State Registry. Ms.Kor eff also mentioned if the <br /> Committee wanted to do it within the local historic district group right then,the same way we talked about <br /> having an inventory of each of the buildings,you would also need to inventory the landscapes. Mr.Fudalla <br /> asked Ms, Wilson if she would like to volunteer to help us with the designations in terms of putting <br /> together some information. Ms.Wilson stated she would be glad to do what she could. <br /> Mr.Fudalla suggested the first thing we should do is find out from the State what they have and where we <br /> can get a hold of information for Mashpee. Ms.Korjeff said that unfortunately they do not have a lot of <br /> information on Mashpee, She went on to say that it would be terrific if the Town could fund an <br /> archeological survey or work with the State to identify what are considered the sensitive areas based on <br /> proximity to resources. <br /> Mr. Fudalla said that it looks like we are looking at three kinds of areas. One is historic districts that have <br /> buildings,traditional. Another one is areas that have archeological importance. The third one is just things <br /> that relate culturally, legends and stories. <br /> It was decided the next meeting would be on Thursday,February 25, 1999 at 4:30 p.m. <br /> ADJOURNMENT: <br /> MOTION was made to adjourn and so voted unanimously. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> G-,r,�"\X� <br /> Angela Newhall <br /> 2 <br />