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723 Falmouth Road (continue <br /> Mie Ford said they followed the -Lava covering structure other than <br /> building and used the same formula. They took canopy size 85X311 and <br /> got 31 but they didn't want to be greater than 20 square feet. <br /> Non-digitalize signage for gas prices; lighting will be overhead 500 watt <br /> fluorescent bulb: Christina Moreau said they will change and will put <br /> gooseneck lighting on the sign. <br /> Walter Yarosh advised that the allowed 20 square feet counts the post, so <br /> if they leave-off some post at the top that will not add to sign square <br /> footage. <br /> Mike Ford shored Site Plan where free-standing sign location is noted. <br /> e Mr. Ford showed Landscape Plan.: Wafter asked they bring some of the <br /> landscaping at the base of the sign. Christina Moreau said they generally <br /> do that. <br /> Walter advised that once pylon set and on Plan applicant should shove <br /> PW for them to review. <br /> Wafter Yarosh approve subject to changes that: <br /> Maximized sign areas above post is 20 square feet or less; <br /> o Plan be reprised and-submitted to the BuildingDepartment; <br /> * Fluorescent lights to be changed to gooseneck lights; <br /> e Landscape shown.-on the Site Plan forward underneath the <br /> pylon sign. = <br /> Robert Nelson second the notion; and the motion was unanimously passed. <br /> 02 Main Street <br /> The Fitness Company for Women <br /> Unauthorized clearing of the prope[ly <br /> . tri <br /> r Nixon Andre appeared. Walter arosh read Mary LeBlanc's February 2g e- <br /> mail---copy f which is attached to the printed set of these minutes. <br /> Walter explained that zoning By-Law requires natural buffer to be maintained and- <br /> it has to be restored. Walter recommended that Mary LeBlanc meet with Mr. <br /> Nixon and they walk the property to determine hover to bring the buffer back. lir. <br /> Nikon was agreeable to do this. Walter said he will notify Mary to pull the Special <br /> Permit to see ghat was approved and thin Mary will call Mr. Dixon and walk the <br /> site with hires. After than it would have to be put on a Plan.and the Flan brought to <br /> Design Review for review. <br /> Charlie l arintanis requested that 1 lr. N ion check with Pat White to determine <br /> rhethr the sign permit issue has been settled. <br />