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MASHPEE FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES <br /> APRIL 20, 1993 <br /> MEETING COMMENCED AT 7.QOPM <br /> Members Presents Deirdre Greelish, Chairperson; Dan Goggin; Ed <br /> Baker; Denise Sullivan and John Ferriday. Tony Gallo and Roger <br /> Dunivan were unable to attend. <br /> Dan Goggin MOTIONED to accept the Minutes of April 5th, April 6th, <br /> and April 7 , 1993 as written. <br /> Members reviewed the Minutes of March 9th and March 23, 1993 and <br /> agreed that they were accurate. Dan Goggin MOTIONED to accept the <br /> Minutes of March 18th and March 23, 1993 as written. Ed Baker <br /> seconded the Motion and members voted in favor 5-0. <br /> CONSERVATION <br /> First discussed was the Article submitted by Conservation, Article <br /> 17. This Article requests the creation of a position of <br /> Administrative Clerk for the department at Grade 4, Step 1, $8 . 22 <br /> per hour. The transfer would be from the Conservation Reserved <br /> Receipt Account the sum of $7,593 . 92 to the Conservation <br /> Salary/wage Account and the sum of $111 . 57 to the Medicare Account. <br /> Ms. Greelish mentioned that the Board of Selectmen have a sum of <br /> money in their omnibus for salary and wage. The Finance Committee <br /> has in their omnibus the amount of money she is being paid <br /> presently. She asked whether the committee wished to recommend the <br /> Board of Selectmen's figure? Mr. Baker asked why the money is in <br /> the omnibus before the Article even passes? Ms. Greelish also <br /> indicated that she would rather have the money in the Article than <br /> in the Salary and Wage Account. Ms. Greelish asked again whether <br /> the committee was supporting Article 17 as written? Members agreed <br /> that they will recommend the Board of Selectmen's figure. <br /> Ms. Greelish noted that the Board of Selectmen have changed their <br /> amount requested column. In a lot of cases they lowered the <br /> amounts. They cut back their own department and are supporting <br /> $1. , 200 a piece for the Assessors. They cut themselves back to <br /> $1, 200 a piece. Ms. Greelish asked the committee what they wanted <br /> to do knowing that the Assessors' Articles were pulled? Mr. Goggin <br /> suggested leaving the Board of Selectmen at $2,500. Ms. Greelish <br /> also suggested that she was willing to reconsider the previous <br /> recommendation of $900 for the Assessors' elected salaries. Mr. <br /> Goggin suggested putting the excess money in the Assessors' Expense <br /> Account. Mr. Baker MOTIONED that the Finance Committee recommend <br /> $3,600 ($1,200 each) be placed in the Board of Assessors' Elected <br /> Salary and Wage Account. John Ferriday seconded the Motion and <br /> members voted in approval 4-1. Denise Sullivan stepped down from <br /> the discussion. Members noted that this could be changed again <br /> next year. <br />