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s <br /> Mashpee Environmental Oversight Committee <br /> Minutes of Meeting <br /> March 10 at 7:00 p.m. <br /> Mashpee Town Hall, Selectmen's Meeting Room <br /> Present: Chairman John Cahalane, Ed Baker,Rick York, George Petersen <br /> Absent: Ted Theis <br /> CALL TO ORDER <br /> The meeting was opened by Chairman Cahalane at 7:04 p.m. with a quorum. <br /> APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES February 10, 2011 <br /> Mr. Baker made a motion to accept the minutes of February 10th, 2011. Mr. Petersen seconded <br /> the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Friends of Santuit Pond-Community Preservation Committee Application <br /> Allen Waxman distributed a graph compiled by the Mashpee Environmental Coalition that depicts the <br /> phosphorus problem in Santuit Pond compared to the other Mashpee ponds. Mr. Waxman referenced <br /> the AECOM study that identified phosphorus trapped in the sediment below the pond, the lack of <br /> oxygen and the leaking of phosphorus that then promotes the growth of unsightly algae that can also <br /> cause health problems. Mr. Waxman referenced the Massachusetts Department of Health, Harmful <br /> Algae Blooms in Fresh Water Bodies brochure that will be made available to the public, noting the <br /> potential danger of the algae blooms to people and animals. Mr. Waxman stated that the Friends of <br /> Santuit Pond have been seeking a non- chemical solution and funding for the solution. <br /> Based on recommendations from AECOM, and after two years of research, the Friends of Santuit Pond <br /> have identified long range solar powered circulators as effective in improving the problem. The EOC <br /> had previously endorsed use of the solar powered circulators as an approach to the phosphorus <br /> problem in Santuit Pond. Mr. Waxman noted that testimonials have also been received about the. <br /> circulators from users in other parts of the country. <br /> Mr. Waxman reported that 6 circulators would be needed for the pond and that the Friends had <br /> previously attempted to pursue funding in the amount of$100,000 with the Massachusetts <br /> Environmental Trust, but that the request had failed. Mr. Waxman noted that there was a risk that the <br /> request might fail because funds for the purchase of capital investments are discouraged. Mr. Waxman <br /> stated that 70 applications had been submitted for a total amount of$20-$30 million. Since that time, <br /> John Kabat has investigated the possibility of seeking funds from the Community Preservation Act. <br /> Mr. Waxman stated that a 3% surcharge has been added to Mashpee residents' property tax and that <br /> the State has matched 33% of the funds. The fund must be utilized in specific categories and it was <br /> determined that funds would be requested from the Open Space category which includes surface water <br /> bodies. Mr. Waxman indicated that approximately $300,000 would be available in the Open Space <br /> category and approximately $2.6 million available in the undesignated funds, of which $1 million <br /> would be used to service the land debt. Mr. Waxman and Mr. Kabat met with Selectman Taylor and <br /> Chairman Cahalane to discuss the CPA process in order to develop a proposal and application to be <br /> forwarded to the Community Preservation Committee. The application has been forwarded to the CPC <br /> and copies have been provided to members of the EOC. <br /> Mr. Waxman reported that $325,000 has been requested to purchase the circulators which include the <br /> cost of installation, delivery and the first year of the warranty. Mr. Waxman noted that a circulator has <br />
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