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been used successfully in Harwich, as well as at other locations within the United States. Mr. Waxman <br /> stated that the pond and shore area could be preserved with the help of the circulators. Referencing the <br /> CPC application, Mr. Waxman noted that the funds may not be used for maintenance purposes and <br /> stated that $16,000 per year, after the second year, will be necessary for the warranty which will <br /> provide maintenance for all units. Mr, Waxman noted that 600 homes were located within a short <br /> walking distance of the pond and suggested the possibility of charging a $25 annual betterment in <br /> order to fund the annual warranty cost. Mr. Waxman suggested that those residents would likely not <br /> object to the charge since it would improve their property value. <br /> Mr. Waxman reiterated the value and success of the circulators and noted that alum treatments would <br /> be more costly with no proof of its success. Mr. York questioned who would own the circulators and <br /> Mr. Waxman responded that Mashpee should own the units through the EOC. Chairman Cahalane <br /> stated that the funds could not be disbursed by the Environmental Oversight Committee and inquired <br /> how the money would be channeled to pay for the equipment. Chairman Cahalane stated that the CPC <br /> would be issuing the check to the appropriate party. Chairman Cahalane suggested that the Friends <br /> contact Catherine Laurent at the DPW to discuss filing a joint application. Mary Waygan, a member <br /> of the CPC, announced that the deadline was April 1 and that there would be a public hearing on April <br /> 15. Chairman Cahalan and Ms. Waygan suggested that Selectman Taylor could be contacted for <br /> additional details. There was discussion regarding whether an RFP or RFQ would be required in order <br /> to obtain the solar powered circulators. Mr. Waxman stated that Solar Bee was the only company that <br /> had developed a successful product, with the most experience. Chairman Cahalane recommended <br /> finding out whether or not an RFP would be required and Ms. Waygan stated that the information <br /> would be necessary to develop a timeline. Mr. York recommended drafting technical specifications. <br /> Mr. Waxman indicated that he would contact Ms. Laurent and modify the data collection information. <br /> Chairman Cahalane recommended that the Town Manager be contacted prior to contacting Ms. <br /> Laurent. A member of the public recommended that individuals view the pond during the summer <br /> when there was an algae bloom and Chairman Cahalane responded that the Committee was in support <br /> of addressing the problem in Santuit. <br /> Mr. Petersen referenced the CPC application idea of charging a betterment assessment of homeowners <br /> and inquired who would authorize it. Mr. Waxman responded that it was a suggestion that required <br /> more research. Mr. Kabat stated that the amount needed would be a small part of the town budget but <br /> Mr. Petersen stated that funding was limited. Mr. Petersen referenced the AECOM study and inquired <br /> whether the study focused only an identifying the causes of the algal blooms and is the study <br /> investigated all types of remedial actions or all types of options. W. Kabat responded that the study <br /> was initiated to identify the problem along with some solutions. Mr. Petersen referenced the <br /> encroachment of ponds and suggested that the pond sometimes cannot be saved but noted that there <br /> could be other options such as reducing the shallow areas and malting them into freshwater wetlands. <br /> Mr. York noted that creating freshwater wetlands was not a suggested option and Mr. Petersen stated <br /> that AECOM did not conduct a feasibility study which would consider all solutions for the problem. <br /> Mr. Petersen referenced section 9 and recommended that a maintenance history for the units be <br /> requested from Solar Bee. Mr. Waxman stated that the life expectancy for the units was 25 years and <br /> that the Friends had extensive maintenance information and testimonials. Mr. Kabat confirmed that he <br /> had contacted four individuals, all of whom offered a positive reference. Another member of the <br /> Friends of Santuit has been contacting three additional testimonials. The Friends also visited the site in <br /> Harwich and Mr. Waxman reported that 2000 units were presently operating in the field. Mr. Waxman <br /> confirmed that the initial two year warranty offered by Solar Bee did not include insurance and <br /> Chairman Cahalane responded that the Town may cover the units, but that it should be researched <br /> further. Mr. Petersen suggested the possibility that the $16,000 quote may be for labor only without <br /> including the cost of maintenance parts. Mr. Waxman responded that the quote included the cost of <br /> 2 <br />