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Mashpee Environmental Oversight Committee <br /> Minutes of Meeting <br /> January 14,2010 <br /> Mashpee Town Hall,Meeting Room 3 <br /> Present: Selectman John Cahalane,Ed Baker, Mary Waygan, Rick York <br /> Also Present: Beverly Kane <br /> Absent: Ted Theis <br /> CALL TO ORDER <br /> The meeting was called to order by Selectman Cahalan at 7:00 p.m. <br /> COMMUNICATIONS <br /> Selectman Cahalane reported that Chairman Myers was doing extremely well and that he was returning <br /> home today. <br /> APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES <br /> Mr. Baker made a motion to accept the minutes of both November 12,2009 and December 10, <br /> 2009 as they presently exist. Ms. Waygan seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> MASHPEE BLUE BOOK <br /> Beverly Kane reported that she had been in communication with School Superintendent Ann <br /> Bradshaw,by email, regarding the incorporation of student artwork in the Blue Book. Superintendent <br /> Bradshaw indicated that, although she loves the idea of featuring students' artwork, she expressed <br /> concern about students being able to recreate the book's existing images. Ms. Bradshaw suggested an <br /> alternative proposal to include 1) selection of students' works for front and back cover; 2) identify 3 <br /> pages for student artwork(such as maps); 3) invite students to replace drawings such as fish, eel or <br /> lobsters. The Mashpee Environmental Coalition(MEC)met and determined that the Superintendent's <br /> proposal would not have the intended impact,but they liked the idea of using students' works on the <br /> covers of the book. The MEC proposes that students participate in an art contest with a$100 prize for <br /> the front cover, $50 prize for the back cover and $10 each for 10 honorable mentions to be placed on <br /> blank pages. Additional artwork submitted could be used elsewhere in the book. It was noted that all <br /> grade levels should be included in the contest, and selected as winners. Ms. Kane indicated that <br /> members of MEC and the Board of Selectmen could serve as judges. Committee members were in <br /> agreement that the existing artwork in the book is well done and very instructional. <br /> Regarding naming, it was recommended that the Chamber of Commerce be asked how they would <br /> recommend naming the book. Selectman Cahalane will contact the Chamber to inquire about their <br /> support. <br /> Selectman Cahalane announced that the book continues to be included in the Town's budget process. <br /> Ms. Waygan has been in contact with Philip Burt at the County Resource Office regarding grant <br /> availability for the project. Selectman Cahalane reported that Town Manager Joyce Mason planned to <br /> contact Mr. Burt regarding whether or not Mashpee had been in receipt of the Massachusetts <br /> Environmental Trust funds. Ms. Waygan stated that the deadline had recently passed and Mr. Burt <br /> indicated that the EPA funds would be too competitive. Ms. Waygan suggested that the Committee <br /> meet with Mr. Burt to share their proposal and copy of the book before the next meeting. Ms. Waygan <br /> will schedule a meeting with Mr. Burt. <br /> 4. <br /> i. <br />