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NEW BUSINESS <br /> Mashpee Commons Update <br /> Ms. Waygan reported that the Planning Board has been reviewing the Mashpee Commons project and <br /> shared with the Committee plans for the development. Ms. Waygan announced that the Trout Pond <br /> parcel has been removed from the project and Mashpee Commons no longer intends to develop the <br /> area. The East Steeple Street area has been removed as critical habitat by Natural Heritage since it is <br /> already bounded. Ms. Waygan also noted another area that has been removed by Natural Heritage. <br /> Ms. Waygan described the developer's plans to use form based design noting that future streets have <br /> been identified. The treatment plant will remain within the Trout Pond parcel. The Planning Board <br /> has requested that a crossing street from CVS be relocated to avoid traffic problems. North Market <br /> will also be developed between Stop & Shop and the Municipal Complex. Selectman Cahalane <br /> suggested that a road be added to more safely accommodate the Municipal Complex. <br /> Mr. Baker questioned the volume of nitrates that would be generated in the drainage for North Market. <br /> Ms. Waygan responded that Charlie Rowley has also been questioning the amount and that the <br /> Planning Board will not issue a development agreement without the information. Additionally,there <br /> will be a public hearing on issues of wastewater and stormwater and public comment will be <br /> encouraged. Ms. Waygan further noted that Mashpee Commons has submitted their Notice of Intent to <br /> the Cape Cod Commission but the Planning Board has requested that the developer meet with the <br /> Town of Mashpee along with the Cape Cod Commission since it will be a 3-way agreement. The <br /> development agreement could not be initiated until Trout Pond,North Market and Steeple Street, all <br /> part of a DRI, were officially closed out. A traffic meeting will occur in Mashpee with staff from both <br /> the Cape Cod Commission and the Town of Mashpee. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> Santuit Pond Update <br /> Selectman Cahalane read for the record a report from AECOM, a copy of which is attached, about the <br /> progress at Santuit Pond since November. AECOM intended to provide a draft final report in a public <br /> hearing at the next Environmental Oversight meeting. It was suggested that the information first be <br /> presented to the Committee before opening a public hearing. <br /> Committee members expressed concern about AECOM's request to estimate phosphorus loading <br /> numbers from the cranberry bogs,preferring to extend the study to acquire accurate figures. <br /> Committee members referenced other modifications to the original scope such as use of the Shellfish <br /> Warden's data, allowed by the Town Manager, as well as use of the engineering data for cranberry <br /> bogs, which the Committee determined to be unacceptable. The Committee expressed preference to <br /> acquire actual data rather than use results from past studies. George Schmidt, from the Friends of <br /> Santuit Pond, questioned the status of samples that were provided to AECOM by volunteer samplers. <br /> Two sets of samples were provided, one set was sterile and used by Dr, Rothstein and the other set was <br /> collected in rinsed drinking bottles. Mr. York suggested that possibly the bottles may not have been <br /> acceptable due to EPA protocols, Mr. York will contact AECOM to inquire about the status of the <br /> samples provided by the volunteers. Selectman Cahalane and Mr. York will meet with the Town <br /> Manager to discuss the issue further. <br /> Committee members again discussed the importance of collecting samples during the active season <br /> from effluent in the bog channels at the outlet. They further noted that although some residents are <br /> eager for answers, it would be better to utilize correct information. Mr. Baker discussed the two <br /> recommended additions to the scope of the project,bog sampling and wet weather sampling. Mr. York <br /> suggested that the main question is whether or not the study should be extended to allow for proper <br /> sampling. Committee members indicated that they were unsure of any other changes to the scope <br /> besides the use of Mr. York's data, as described in the attached July 9, 2009 letter from AECOM to the <br /> 2 <br />