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Mashpee_Meeting Documents
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must be communicated. Ms. Waygan will follow up with Mr. Burt to provide him with the Textron <br /> grant information and Mr. Burt will then provide a list of 5-8 funding organizations. <br /> It was noted that the Chatham book is available online at , <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Cape Cod Water Resources Restoration Project (CCWRRP) <br /> Mr. York announced that the federal grant through the NRCS (formerly the Soil Conservation Service <br /> of the FDA), drafted during the 1990s, has been recently funded. Barnstable County has been awarded <br /> $5 million from the American Recovery and Re-Investment Act and must involve 1) restoration of <br /> shellfish areas through stormwater remediation, 2) restoration of tidal restricted salt marshes, or 3) <br /> restoration of impaired fish runs. A list of projects must be submitted by March 1 and contracts signed <br /> by June 30. Projects must be completed by December 2011. Mr. York stated that there area number <br /> of projects that qualify for the list, such as John's Pond fish ladder (already on list), Red Brook Road <br /> runoff on the Mashpee/Falmouth line and Quinaquissett located at Shoestring Bay. Conservation <br /> Agent Drew McManus and Mr. York are working together to draft the list. Mr. York will also be <br /> meeting with DPW Director Catherine Laurent to discuss the status of projects highlighted in Engineer <br /> Charles Rowley's report. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> Mr. Baker made a motion to add Santuit Pond Study to the agenda. Ms. Waygan seconded the <br /> motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> Santuit Pond Study <br /> Mr. York reported that samples have been taken from the Brackett cranberry bogs during the winter <br /> drain down. AECOM believed that the winter drain down may be a large portion of what is coming <br /> out of the bogs compared to the growing season. The samples are being processed. The draft report is <br /> expected at the end of the month, in time to be considered prior to the Committee's next meeting. <br /> Selectman Cahalane added that the preliminary draft will include calculations from resident sampling, <br /> which was an issue discussed at the last meeting. Mr. York added that samples taken by residents <br /> could not be used directly in the final draft since DEP will not release the numbers when the exact <br /> protocol is not followed. The numbers can be used while working on the report but can not be <br /> published in the report. <br /> Mr. Baker reminded the Committee that previously requested resumes were still needed from two of <br /> the principal scientists, since the original resumes that were submitted were from ENSR. The <br /> documents should be kept on file to support the report. Mr. Baker added that the Quality Assurance <br /> Work Plan should also be received. Mr. York stated that the Quality Assurance Work Plan should be <br /> provided along with the report. <br /> John Kabat questioned the availability of financing for any solutions that result from the report. <br /> Selectman Cahalane stated that the Committee needed to receive the report before discussing <br /> financing. <br /> Committee members discussed a herring run that once existed at Lovell's Pond. The ladder collapsed <br /> and was never repaired, blocking the stream and possibly limiting the flow from the pond to the bog. <br /> Committee members also discussed recent vandalism that occurred at pump houses at both Lovell's <br /> Pond and Hostetter Bog. <br /> 2 <br />
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