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ti <br /> Mashpee Commons Update <br /> Ms. Waygan reported that plans have changed for the Mashpee Commons project but that new plans <br /> would be located on the Town's website for review. Mashpee Commons has requested public <br /> comment on the conceptual plans. Doug Storrs, Vice President of Mashpee Commons LLC, has <br /> expressed interest in presenting the project to the Environmental Oversight Committee, Mr. Storrs will <br /> be meeting with various other Mashpee Boards and Committees prior to pursuing the formal <br /> development agreement process with the Cape Cod Commission. Ms. Waygan referenced the Cape <br /> Cod Regional Policy Plan which the Cape Cod Commission uses to assess development plans, noting <br /> that it addresses environmental issues. <br /> A question was asked regarding the amount of impervious surface that will result with the new project. <br /> It was suggested that Mr. Storrs be asked that question and that the Committee draft a list of questions <br /> to provide to the Planning Board. Committee members discussed Mashpee Commons' offer of land <br /> next to a church and suggested that Trout Pond be offered for mitigation. Mr. Storrs will be invited to <br /> the next meeting and members should come prepared with questions related to the environment. <br /> Stormwater <br /> Ms. Kane questioned use of the NPDES Permit document while the Planning Board reviews the <br /> Town's Subdivision Regulations. Ms. Kane discussed the document with Ms. Waygan. Ms. Waygan <br /> will take another look at the document and contact Ms. Kane with any additional questions. <br /> Action Items <br /> Environmental Education-It was reported that the school system had saved a tremendous amount of <br /> money with energy monitoring and the addition of temperature controls. It was stated that the <br /> Commission continues to be in need of a school representative particularly since the schools have <br /> active environmental groups. <br /> Combine Water-Server-The Town Meeting Article to increase the Sewer Commission to 5 Precinct <br /> members and 2 At-Large members has been approved by the Attorney General. It was advised that <br /> anyone interested in an appointment to the Commission should submit a letter of interest. <br /> Grant Applications-Ms. Waygan and Mr. York are working on grants. <br /> Santuit Pond Study-The draft report will be available at the next meeting. It was requested that the <br /> report be emailed to Committee members in advance of the meeting. Mr. York will request the <br /> document on disc. <br /> Recycling-The 2009 recycling numbers and single stream results have not yet been made available. <br /> The Recycling Committee met today to further discuss the pay-as-you-throw option. <br /> DISCUSSION <br /> Mr. Baker questioned whether or not the Mills property purchase was included in the warrant as <br /> funding must be re-authorized this year and expressed concern that it was related to the water quality <br /> of the pond. <br /> Mr. Baker has submitted a letter of resignation from the Environmental Oversight Committee. Mr. <br /> Baker plans to attend future meetings as a member of the public. <br /> 3 <br />