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Mashpee Environmental Oversight Committee <br /> Minutes of Meeting <br /> September 16, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. <br /> Mashpee Town Hall, Selectmen's Meeting Room <br /> Present: Chairman John Cahalane, Ed Baker, David Kooharian, Rick York <br /> Absent: Ted Theis <br /> CALL TO ORDER <br /> The meeting was called to order by Chairman Cahalane at 7:11 p.m. <br /> APPROVAL OF MEETING MIINUTES August 1.2,.2010 <br /> Mr. Baker made a motion to accept the minutes of August 12, 2010 as they currently exist. <br /> Mr. York seconded the motion. <br /> Roll call vote: Mr. York-yes; Chairman Cahalane--yes; Mar. Baker-yes; Mr. Kooharian- <br /> abstained <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> Santuit Pond <br /> The Chairman stated that discussion would be inclusive of audience comments but that later in <br /> the meeting discussion would be limited to members of the Committee. Chairman Cahalane <br /> summarized that during the last meeting, the Committee discussed their support for using solar <br /> circulators to clean up the pond, leaving open other possibilities, such as reverse layering, to also <br /> be considered. <br /> Chuckie Green, Natural Resource Assistant Director of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, stated <br /> his department's interest in pursuing the reverse layering process and dredging to improve the <br /> conditions at Santuit Pond. Mr. Green reported that the two methods appear to be fundable by <br /> the federal government. The Natural Resource Department and the EPA do not support use of <br /> the solar circulators since it is not a permanent solution and has not been sufficiently proven to <br /> be successful in a pond averaging 5 feet. Additionally, Mr. Green discovered that there was little <br /> interest in federal funding for a project using the circulators since it is not sustainable and will <br /> not eliminate phosphorus sources into the pond. Mr. Green emphasized the need for phosphorus <br /> intervention, noting that the circulator may fix the pond for a while, but that the problem will <br /> continue unless the sources are addressed. Mr. Green reported that the EPA looked at the pond <br /> in the morning and stated their support for dredging or reverse layering. Mr. York questioned <br /> sources available to fund the $8-$16 million costs of dredging and Mr. Green responded that the <br /> Army Corps of Engineers has a dredging program and that he is researching other funding <br /> sources, such as an Indian Dredging Program. Mr. York questioned a timeline to apply for <br /> dredging money but Mr. Green is unsure of the timeline. <br /> Mr. York expressed concern about the current algae bloom and the possibility that it could turn <br /> toxic at any time and stated that a short term solution could reduce the blooms while <br /> investigating a long term solution. Mr. Green did not oppose the idea but stated that the Tribe <br />