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fertilizers and dredging in conjunction with the Tribe. Mr. Baker discussed the expense and <br /> impracticalities of using bubblers, which are being used in Lovell's Pond. Mr. Green <br /> emphasized the need to address the inputs and echoed his support to the Town. Mr. York <br /> questioned Mr. Green again about federal funding being available for dredging and/or reverse <br /> layering noting that, based on the report, there currently exists an opportunity to pursue a short <br /> term solution while pursuing a long term solution. Mr. York agrees with Mr. Baker suggesting <br /> that even one circulator could be monitored to determine its effectiveness and possibly reduce <br /> the algae bloom by 10%-15%. <br /> Chairman Cahalane restricted discussion to members of the EOC to determine what will be <br /> submitted to the BOS. Mx. Kooharian expressed Ms. Waygan's preference to pursue the solar <br /> circulators. Mr. Baker recommended a motion to pursue a three phase approach. Mr. Baker <br /> suggested that the Cape Cod Commission be consulted about the EOC's plan to make the <br /> recommendation to the BOS. Chairman Cahalane reported that the final report had been <br /> forwarded to the Cape Cod Commission. Mr. Kooharian and Mr. York agreed with Mr. Baker. <br /> Mr. Baker made a motion to recommend that the Board of Selectmen consider a three <br /> pronged approach to Santuit Pond (1)using the solar powered circulators to make a <br /> significant reductionn in the amount of regeneration occurring in the pond, (2) addressing <br /> the inputs to the pond, such as road runoff and (3) coordinating with the Wampanoag <br /> Tribe regarding the possibility of dredging. Mr. York seconded the motion. <br /> Roil call vote: Mr. York-yes; Chairman Cahalane-yes; Mr. Baker-yes; Mr.Kooharian-yes <br /> In reference to the MET Grant, the Chair questioned whether or not pursuit of the grant is <br /> premature or too fast. Express was concerned about the timing but it was recommended that <br /> while presenting the Committee's recommendation to the BOS on September 27, the Committee <br /> can also recommend pursuing the October 15 grant. Mr. York emphasized the Friends of Santuit <br /> Pond's willingness to prepare the paperwork. Chairman Cahalane emphasized the importance of <br /> providing the BOS with solid reasoning why the Board should move so quickly to pursue a <br /> grant. Mr. Baker responded that if the 2010 deadline is missed, the Town would need to wait an <br /> entire year before pursuing the grant. Mr. Baker recommended that the grant application be <br /> presented to the Board and if they approve the EOC's technical recommendation, the prepared <br /> preliminary application will provide an opportunity to fund the recommendation. The Chair <br /> questioned who will submit the letter and Mr. York responded that it would be submitted on <br /> behalf of the Committee. <br /> Mr. York made a motion to recommend that a letter of interest be sent to apply for the <br /> Massachusetts Environmental Trust Funds for one or more solar circulators. Mr. Baker <br /> seconded the motion. <br /> Roll call vote: Mr. York-yes; Chairman Cahalane-yes; Mr. Baker-yes; Mr.Kooharian-yes <br /> Mr. York will attend the Board of Selectmen's meeting on October 27, <br /> Action Items <br /> 3 <br />